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159 lines
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' Ber<65>hrungslose Kopfkontrolle:
' Erzeugt Remote Eintr<74>ge auf dem lokalen Rechner und auf dem Remote-Rechner
Option Explicit
Dim wshshell,fso,i,Fnct
Dim strPath,strSystemFolder,strWinFolder,strTempFolder
'----------------------------- Objekte erzeugen --------------------------------
Set wshshell = CreateObjectSafely("WScript.Shell")
Set fso = CreateObjectSafely("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set Fnct = CreateObject("Install.Functions")
'--------------------------- Standardpfade -------------------------------------
strPath = GetCurrentPath()
strSystemFolder = fso.GetSpecialFolder(1) & "\"
strWinFolder = fso.GetSpecialFolder(0) & "\"
strTempFolder = fso.GetSpecialFolder(2) & "\"
Dim strMainVolume,strComputerIni,strComputerXml
strMainVolume = ExpandPath("%MAIN_VOLUME%","c:\")
strComputerIni = strMainVolume & "Computer.ini"
strComputerXml = strMainVolume & "Computer.xml"
'------------------------------ Main -------------------------------------------
Call wshshell.Run("regedit.exe /s " & strPath & "LooseEnd\Remote.reg")
Dim strRegFile
strRegFile = strTempFolder & "\Register.reg"
Call fso.CopyFile(strPath & "LooseEnd\Register.reg", strTempFolder, True)
Call fso.CopyFile(strPath & "LooseEnd\LERegistry.bat", strTempFolder, True)
Call fso.CopyFile(strPath & "LooseEnd\LERegistry.txt", strTempFolder, True)
Dim strRegFileContent
Dim RegFile
Set RegFile = fso.OpenTextFile(strRegFile)
strRegFileContent = RegFile.ReadAll()
Call RegFile.Close()
Dim strLastIpByte
strLastIpByte = Fnct.GetIniString("CD1_Setup", "TcpIp", "c:\Computer.ini")
If strLastIpByte = "" Then strLastIpByte = "3"
strRegFileContent = Replace(strRegFileContent,"aa,bb,cc,dd,ee,ff", GetHexAmsNetId())
Set RegFile = fso.OpenTextFile(strRegFile,2)
Call RegFile.Write(strRegFileContent)
Call RegFile.Close()
Dim l_strTargetIp
l_strTargetIp = Fnct.GetIniString("TmpAddress","LooseEndDetector",strComputerIni)
If l_strTargetIp = "" Then l_strTargetIp = ""
Dim strCmdFile,strCmdFileContent
Dim CmdFile
strCmdFile = strTempFolder & "\LERegistry.txt"
Set CmdFile = fso.OpenTextFile(strCmdFile)
strCmdFileContent = CmdFile.ReadAll()
Call CmdFile.Close()
strCmdFileContent = Replace(strCmdFileContent,"",l_strTargetIp)
Set CmdFile = fso.OpenTextFile(strCmdFile,2)
Call CmdFile.Write(strCmdFileContent)
Call CmdFile.Close()
Call wshshell.Run("""" & strTempFolder & "LERegistry.bat""",1,True)
Call fso.DeleteFile(strRegFile,True)
Call fso.DeleteFile(strCmdFile,True)
Call fso.DeleteFile(strTempFolder & "LERegistry.bat",True)
'------------------------------- Funktionen ------------------------------------
Function GetCurrentPath()
Dim l_strScriptName
Dim l_strTemp
l_strScriptName = WScript.ScriptFullName
l_strTemp = WScript.ScriptName
GetCurrentPath = Left(l_strScriptName, Len(l_strScriptName) - Len(l_strTemp))
End Function
Function ExpandPath(p_strEnvironment,p_strDefault)
Dim l_strTemp
l_strTemp = wshshell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(p_strEnvironment)
If l_strTemp = p_strEnvironment Then
l_strTemp = p_strDefault
End If
ExpandPath = l_strTemp
End Function
'Hilfsfunktion zum Erzeugen von Objekten
'Ist die Erzeugung nicht m<>glich, wird das Skript beendet
Function CreateObjectSafely(p_strObject)
Dim i
i = 0
On Error Resume Next
i = i+1
Set CreateObjectSafely = CreateObject(p_strObject)
WScript.Sleep 1000
Loop Until Err.Number = 0 OR i > 30
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Unable to Create Object: " & p_strObject
End If
On Error Goto 0
End Function
Function GetHexAmsNetId
Dim SysServer
Dim strAmsNetId
Dim strByte
Dim i
Set SysServer = CreateObject("TcSystemSrv.TcSystemServer")
strAmsNetId = SysServer.AmsNetId
Dim strNewAddress
For i = 0 To 5
If i > 0 Then
strNewAddress = strNewAddress + ","
End If
strByte = Hex(GetByte(strAmsNetId,i))
If Len(strByte) = 1 Then strByte = "0" + strByte
strNewAddress = strNewAddress & strByte
GetHexAmsNetId = strNewAddress
End Function
Function GetByte(strIpTypeString, nIdx)
Dim StartPos
Dim i
StartPos = 1
If nIdx > 0 Then
Dim nCnt
nCnt = 0
For i = 1 To nIdx
StartPos = Instr(StartPos,strIpTypeString,".")
StartPos = StartPos + 1
End If
Dim strResult,strCurrentChar
strResult = ""
strCurrentChar = Mid(strIpTypeString,StartPos,1)
strResult = strResult + strCurrentChar
StartPos = StartPos + 1
Loop Until StartPos > Len(strIpTypeString) Or Mid(strIpTypeString,StartPos,1) = "."
GetByte = strResult
End Function
'------------------------------ Sub -------------------------------------------