You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

4264 lines
143 KiB

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FillColor6 = 16711935
FillColor7 = 8421504
HotSpotX = 10
HotSpotY = 10
Mode = 0
Range = 1
State = 0
BitNumber = 0
Offset = 0
AuthorizationMode= 1
Authorization = ""
VWItem = "Ch1.DistillationDevice.Unit2.WaterTank.FillOn"
Blink = 0
BlinkColor = 16776960
RecipeMember = 0 'False
Begin VisiWinStudioLib.VWSFill fllWaterPump
Height = 555
Left = 75
Top = 1440
Width = 10185
_cx = 5080
_cy = 5080
Enabled = -1 'True
FillColorOff = 16777215
FillColor8 = 0
FillColor1 = 14845952
FillColor2 = 16711680
FillColor3 = 65280
FillColor4 = 65535
FillColor5 = 16777215
FillColor6 = 16711935
FillColor7 = 8421504
HotSpotX = 50
HotSpotY = 10
Mode = 0
Range = 1
State = 0
BitNumber = 0
Offset = 0
AuthorizationMode= 1
Authorization = ""
VWItem = "Ch1.DistillationDevice.WaterPump"
Blink = 0
BlinkColor = 16776960
RecipeMember = 0 'False
Begin VisiWinStudioLib.VWSFill fllCondensation24
Height = 2340
Left = 13485
Top = 930
Width = 285
_cx = 5080
_cy = 5080
Enabled = -1 'True
FillColorOff = 16777215
FillColor8 = 0
FillColor1 = 16383945
FillColor2 = 16698112
FillColor3 = 14583808
FillColor4 = 16646144
FillColor5 = 8388608
FillColor6 = 16711935
FillColor7 = 8421504
HotSpotX = 5
HotSpotY = 50
Mode = 1
Range = 5
State = 0
BitNumber = 0
Offset = 0
AuthorizationMode= 1
Authorization = ""
VWItem = "Ch1.DistillationDevice.Unit2.Kondensation"
Blink = 0
BlinkColor = 16776960
RecipeMember = 0 'False
Begin VisiWinStudioLib.VWSFill fllCondensation33
Height = 2025
Left = 13230
Top = 1245
Width = 285
_cx = 5080
_cy = 5080
Enabled = -1 'True
FillColorOff = 16777215
FillColor8 = 0
FillColor1 = 16383945
FillColor2 = 16698112
FillColor3 = 14583808
FillColor4 = 16646144
FillColor5 = 8388608
FillColor6 = 16711935
FillColor7 = 8421504
HotSpotX = 5
HotSpotY = 50
Mode = 1
Range = 5
State = 0
BitNumber = 0
Offset = 0
AuthorizationMode= 1
Authorization = ""
VWItem = "Ch1.DistillationDevice.Unit3.Kondensation"
Blink = 0
BlinkColor = 16776960
RecipeMember = 0 'False
Begin VisiWinStudioLib.VWSFill fllWaterOut
Height = 765
Left = 13395
Top = 6690
Width = 2070
_cx = 5080
_cy = 5080
Enabled = -1 'True
FillColorOff = 16777215
FillColor8 = 0
FillColor1 = 16711680
FillColor2 = 16711680
FillColor3 = 65280
FillColor4 = 65535
FillColor5 = 16777215
FillColor6 = 16711935
FillColor7 = 8421504
HotSpotX = 10
HotSpotY = 10
Mode = 0
Range = 1
State = 0
BitNumber = 0
Offset = 0
AuthorizationMode= 1
Authorization = ""
VWItem = ""
Blink = 0
BlinkColor = 16776960
RecipeMember = 0 'False
Attribute VB_Name = "FCentral"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
Private Sub Form_Activate()
Set curFrm = Me
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Set curFrm = Me
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Timer1.Enabled = False
Select Case Index
Case 12
Case 1
If vwSprache.Language = 1031 Then Exit Sub
FCentral.vwSprache.Language = 1031
FAlarms.vwSprache.Language = 1031
FTrends.vwSprache.Language = 1031
frmTrendSelection.vwSprache.Language = 1031
frmSelection.Caption = "Trendauswahl"
frmSelection.fraAll.Caption = "Vorhandene Trends":
frmSelection.fraSelected.Caption = "Ausgew<65>hlte Trends:"
frmSelection.cmdAbort.Caption = "Abbrechen"
Case 2
If vwSprache.Language = 1033 Then Exit Sub
FCentral.vwSprache.Language = 1033
FAlarms.vwSprache.Language = 1033
FTrends.vwSprache.Language = 1033
frmTrendSelection.vwSprache.Language = 1033
frmSelection.Caption = "Trend Selection"
frmSelection.fraAll.Caption = "Existing Trends":
frmSelection.fraSelected.Caption = "Selected Trends:"
frmSelection.cmdAbort.Caption = "Cancel"
Case 6
Case 7
Case 8
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub barWaterLevel_Change(ByVal Value As Double, ByVal PreviousValue As Double, ByVal Quality As Long, ByVal TimeStamp As Date)
If swtWaterValve.State = 1 And barWaterLevel.Value > 0 Then
fllWaterOut.State = 1
fllWaterOut.State = 0
End If
End Sub
Public Sub VWButton1_Button12Click()
Index = 12
Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub VWButton1_Button1Click()
Index = 1
Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub VWButton1_Button2Click()
Index = 2
Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub VWButton1_Button6Click()
Index = 6
Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub VWButton1_Button7Click()
Index = 7
Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub VWButton1_Button8Click()
Index = 8
Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub fllCondensation11_Change(ByVal Value As Long, ByVal PreviousValue As Long, ByVal State As Long, ByVal PreviousState As Long, ByVal Quality As Long, ByVal TimeStamp As Date)
If swtWaterValve.State = 1 And fllCondensation11.State > 0 Or fllCondensation21.State > 0 Or fllCondensation31.State > 0 Then
fllWaterOut.State = 1
fllWaterOut.State = 0
End If
End Sub
Private Sub fllCondensation31_Change(ByVal Value As Long, ByVal PreviousValue As Long, ByVal State As Long, ByVal PreviousState As Long, ByVal Quality As Long, ByVal TimeStamp As Date)
If swtWaterValve.State = 1 And fllCondensation11.State > 0 Or fllCondensation21.State > 0 Or fllCondensation31.State > 0 Then
fllWaterOut.State = 1
fllWaterOut.State = 0
End If
End Sub
Private Sub fllCondensation21_Change(ByVal Value As Long, ByVal PreviousValue As Long, ByVal State As Long, ByVal PreviousState As Long, ByVal Quality As Long, ByVal TimeStamp As Date)
If swtWaterValve.State = 1 And fllCondensation11.State > 0 Or fllCondensation21.State > 0 Or fllCondensation31.State > 0 Then
fllWaterOut.State = 1
fllWaterOut.State = 0
End If
End Sub
Private Sub swtWaterValve_Click()
If swtWaterValve.State = 1 And barWaterLevel.Value > 0 Then
fllWaterOut.State = 1
If swtWaterValve.State = 1 And fllCondensation11.State > 0 Or fllCondensation21.State > 0 Or fllCondensation31.State > 0 Then
fllWaterOut.State = 1
fllWaterOut.State = 0
End If
End If
End Sub