You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

187 lines
5.7 KiB

'Konfigurationsanpassungen f<>r bestimmte Computertypen
Option Explicit
Dim wshshell,fso,i,Fnct
Dim strPath,strSystemFolder,strWinFolder,strTempFolder
'----------------------------- Objekte erzeugen --------------------------------
Set wshshell = CreateObjectSafely("WScript.Shell")
Set fso = CreateObjectSafely("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set Fnct = CreateObjectSafely("Install.Functions")
'--------------------------- Standardpfade -------------------------------------
strPath = GetCurrentPath()
strSystemFolder = fso.GetSpecialFolder(1) & "\"
strWinFolder = fso.GetSpecialFolder(0) & "\"
strTempFolder = fso.GetSpecialFolder(2) & "\"
'------------------------------ Main -------------------------------------------
Dim strMaindir
Dim strComputerIni
strMaindir = ExpandPath("%Maindir%","c:\")
strComputerIni = strMaindir & "Computer.ini"
Dim strDocsAndSets
strDocsAndSets = "C:\Documents and Settings\"
Dim strSource
Dim strTarget
Dim strOptions
strSource = """" & strDocsAndSets & "Focke\*.*"""
strTarget = """" & strDocsAndSets & "Default User"""
strOptions = "/s /I /R /Y"
Call"Xcopy.exe " & strSource & " " & strTarget & " " & strOptions,0,True)
Dim bFockeAdminFound
Dim bAutologonFound
bFockeAdminFound = fso.FolderExists(strDocsAndSets & "FockeAdmin")
bAutologonFound = fso.FolderExists(strDocsAndSets & "Autologon")
If Not KeyExists("HKEY_Current_User\Control Panel\Mouse") Then
If bFockeAdminFound Then
strRunas = strPath & "FockeRunAs.exe FockeAdmin !Gemini " & """" & strPath & "RegEntries.bat " & strPath & "ELO.reg" & """"
Call wshshell.Run(strRunas,0,true)
WScript.sleep 5000
End If
If bAutologonFound Then
strRunas = strPath & "FockeRunAs.exe Autologon -Pluto " & """" & strPath & "RegEntries.bat " & strPath & "ELO.reg" & """"
Call wshshell.Run(strRunas,0,true)
End If
End If
'Anpassungen f<>r bestimmte Computertypen
' ... Computer identifizieren
Dim bIsCp6500
Dim bIsCP7503
Dim bIsC6140XP
bIsCp6500 = Fnct.GetIniString("CD1_Setup","ComputerType",strComputerIni) = "CP6500-1003-0020"
bIsCP7503 = Fnct.GetIniString("CD1_Setup","ComputerType",strComputerIni) = "CP7503-1002-0020"
bIsC6140XP = Fnct.GetIniString("CD1_Setup","ComputerType",strComputerIni) = "CP6140 Spec2003 XPe/SP2"
If bIsC6140XP Then
End If
If bIsCp6500 Or bIsCP7503 Or bIsC6140XP Then
Dim strNtUserPreset
strNtUserPreset = strPath & "ntuser.dat"
strOptions = "/s /I /R /Y /h"
Call"Xcopy.exe " & strNtUserPreset & " " & strTarget & " " & strOptions,0,true)
Dim strRunas
Dim strFilenameWithPath(4)
strFilenameWithPath(0) = strPath & "LanguageBar.reg"
strFilenameWithPath(1) = strPath & "Desktop.reg"
strFilenameWithPath(2) = strPath & "FontFix.reg"
For i=0 To 2
If bFockeAdminFound Then
strRunas = strPath & "FockeRunAs.exe FockeAdmin !Gemini " & """" & strPath & "RegEntries.bat " & strFilenameWithPath(i) & """"
Call wshshell.Run(strRunas,0,true)
WScript.sleep 5000
End If
If bAutologonFound Then
strRunas = strPath & "FockeRunAs.exe Autologon -Pluto " & """" & strPath & "RegEntries.bat " & strFilenameWithPath(i) & """"
Call wshshell.Run(strRunas,0,true)
End If
End If
'------------------------------- Funktionen ------------------------------------
Function GetCurrentPath()
Dim l_strScriptName
Dim l_strTemp
l_strScriptName = WScript.ScriptFullName
l_strTemp = WScript.ScriptName
GetCurrentPath = Left(l_strScriptName, Len(l_strScriptName) - Len(l_strTemp))
End Function
Function ExpandPath(p_strEnvironment,p_strDefault)
Dim l_strTemp
l_strTemp = wshshell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(p_strEnvironment)
If l_strTemp = p_strEnvironment Then
l_strTemp = p_strDefault
End If
ExpandPath = l_strTemp
End Function
'Hilfsfunktion zum Erzeugen von Objekten
'Ist die Erzeugung nicht m<>glich, wird das Skript beendet
Function CreateObjectSafely(p_strObject)
Dim i
i = 0
On Error Resume Next
i = i+1
Set CreateObjectSafely = CreateObject(p_strObject)
WScript.Sleep 1000
Loop Until Err.Number = 0 OR i > 30
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Unable to Create Object: " & p_strObject
End If
On Error Goto 0
End Function
'Registry Schl<68>ssel existiert
Function KeyExists(p_strKey)
Dim l_strTemp
On Error Resume Next
l_strTemp = wshshell.RegRead(p_strKey)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
KeyExists = False
KeyExists = True
End If
On Error Goto 0
End Function
'------------------------------ Sub -------------------------------------------
Sub WriteToLog(p_strMessage)
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8
Dim strLineToWrite
strLineToWrite = WScript.ScriptName & " -- " & p_strMessage
Dim strLogFile
strLogFile = ExpandPath("%SERVICEPACK_LOG%","c:\fockeservicepack.log")
' msgbox sLine & LogFile
Dim FileObject
if fso.FileExists(strLogFile) then
set FileObject = fso.OpenTextFile( strLogFile,ForAppending,false,0)
set FileObject = fso.OpenTextFile( strLogFile,ForWriting, true,0)
end if
set FileObject=nothing
End Sub
Sub ChangeNetworkNamesFor6140
Dim cstrNetworkIni
Dim l_nNetworkCount
Dim l_nPosition
cstrNetworkIni = strPath & "NetworkC6140XPe.ini"
l_nNetworkCount = Fnct.GetIniString("NetworkCards","Cnt",cstrNetworkIni)
For l_nPosition = 1 To l_nNetworkCount
Dim strFunction,strLabel,strFunctionKey,strLabelKey
strFunctionKey = "Function" & l_nPosition
strLabelKey = "Label" & l_nPosition
strFunction = Fnct.GetIniString("NetworkCards",strFunctionKey,cstrNetworkIni)
strLabel = Fnct.GetIniString("NetworkCards",strLabelKey,cstrNetworkIni)
Call Fnct.SetIniString("CD1_Setup",strFunction,strLabel,strComputerIni)
End Sub