You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
Begin VB.PropertyPage PVWTrendTime
Caption = "TrendControl"
ClientHeight = 3495
ClientLeft = 0
ClientTop = 0
ClientWidth = 5925
PaletteMode = 0 'Rasterbild
ScaleHeight = 3495
ScaleWidth = 5925
Begin VB.ListBox List1
Height = 3180
Left = 150
TabIndex = 0
Top = 150
Width = 5595
Attribute VB_Name = "PVWTrendTime"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
Private Sub List1_Click()
Changed = True
End Sub
Private Sub PropertyPage_ApplyChanges()
Dim ctr As Object
'TrendControl-Eigenschaft der UserControls setzen
For Each ctr In SelectedControls
ctr.TrendControl = List1.List(List1.ListIndex)
Next ctr
End Sub
Private Sub PropertyPage_SelectionChanged()
Dim uctr As VWTrendTime
Dim ctr As Control
Dim n As Integer
Dim Container As Object
Dim sTrend As String
On Error Resume Next
Set uctr = SelectedControls(0)
Set Container = uctr.Container
sTrend = uctr.TrendControl
'Schleife, die alle Controls des Containers (z.B. eines Formulars) durchl<68>uft
For Each ctr In Container.Controls
'Wenn aktuelles Control vom Typ VWTrend ist
If TypeName(ctr) = "VWTrend" Then
List1.AddItem ctr.Name
If sTrend = ctr.Name Then
List1.ListIndex = List1.NewIndex
End If
End If
Next ctr
End Sub