TwinCAT.Ads AMS/ADS Net ID Constructor Constructor Copy Constructor Converts the netId to string Converts the NetId object to byte array Clones the NetId Gets the netId string from the byte array Parses a net ID and creates a new AmsNetId object Compares the NetIds Compares the netIds Equals Operator== Operator-= Gets the HashCode of the Address Gets the net Id as byte array Is the Address Local? Creates an empty NetId ("") Creates the local NetId ("") Gets the Local Net ID (System service must be running) The system service must be running Ams/Ads Address Protected constructur Copy constructor Constructor Constructor Net Id Port Constructor Constructor Constructor Constructor Constructor Constructor Equals Operator== Operator-= Gets the HashCode of the Address Converts the Address to String 'NetId:Port' Parses a string to an object. Gets the NetId Gets the Port number The structure contains the Ads state and device state. Initializes a new Instance of the StateInfo struct. Ads state. Device state. Gets or sets the Ads state. Gets or sets the device state. The structure contains the name and the version information of the device. Gets or sets the name of the device. Gets or sets the vesion information. The structure contains the version number, revision number and build number. Gets or sets the version number. Gets or sets the revision number. Gets or sets the build number. Determines at what time the AdsSyncNotification-Event is fired. The AdsSyncNotification-Event is fired cyclically. The AdsSyncNotification-Event is fired when the data changes. State of the Ams Router. Ams Router is stopped. Ams Router is started. Ams Router has been removed. AmsPorts AmsRouter (Port 1) AmsDebugger (Port 2) Logger (Port 100) Event Logger (Port 110) R0 Realtime (Port 200) R0 Trace (Port 290) R0 IO (Port 300) NC (R0) (Portt 500) R0 Satzausführung (Port 5019 R0 Satzvorbereitung (Port 511) R0 ISG (Port 550) R0 CNC (Port 600) R0 Line (Port 700) R0 PLC (Port 800) PLC RuntimeSystem 1 (Port 801) PLC RöuntimeSystem 2 (Port 811) PLC RuntimeSystem 3 (Port 821) PLC RuntimeSystem 4 (Port 831) Camshaft Controller (R0) (Port 900) R0 CAM Tool (Port 950) R0 User (Port 2000) System Service (AMSPORT_R3_SYSSERV, 10000) (Port 10000) (Port 10001) Port 10100 Port 10200 Port 10201 Port 10300 Port 10400 Port 10500 Port 10600 Port 10800 Port 11000 Port 11500 Port 12000 Port 13000 Port 14000 Port 15000 Port 16000 Port 17000 Port 17500 Describes the AdsState. Describes predefined Index-Groups. Describes predefined Index-Offsets. Describes the Ads error that occured. No Error. Error code: 0(0x000). Internal Error. Error code: 1(0x001). No Rtime. Error code: 2(0x002). Allocation locked memory error. Error code: 3(0x003). Insert mailbox error. Error code: 4(0x004). Wrong receive HMSG. Error code: 5(0x005). Target port not found. Error code: 6(0x006). Target machine not found. Error code: 7(0x007). Unknown command ID. Error code: 8(0x008). Bad task ID. Error code: 9(0x009). No IO. Error code: 10(0x00A). Unknown AMS command. Error code: 11(0x00B). Win 32 error. Error code: 12(0x00C). Port is not connected. Error code: 13(0x00D). Invalid AMS length. Error code: 14(0x00E). Invalid AMS Net ID. Error code: 15(0x00F). Low Installation level. Error code: 16(0x010). No debug available. Error code: 17(0x011). Port disabled. Error code: 18(0x012). Port is already connected. Error code: 19(0x013). AMS Sync Win32 error. Error code: 20(0x014). AMS Sync timeout. Error code: 21(0x015). AMS Sync AMS error Error code: 22(0x016). AMS Sync no index map. Error code: 23(0x017). Invalid AMS port. Error code: 24(0x018). No memory. Error code: 25(0x019). TCP send error. Error code: 26(0x01A). Host unreachable. Error code: 27(0x1B). Router: no locked memory. Error code: 1280(0x500). Router: mailbox full. Error code: 1282(0x501). error class <device error"> Error code: 1792(0x700). Service is not supported by server. Error code: 1793(0x701). Invalid index group. Error code: 1794(0x702). Invalid index offset. Error code: 1795(0x703). Reading/writing not permitted. Error code: 1796(0x704). Parameter size not correct. Error code: 1797(0x705). Invalid parameter value(s). Error code: 1798(0x706). Device is not in a ready state. Error code: 1799(0x707). Device is busy. Error code: 1800(0x708). Invalid context (must be in Windows). Error code: 1801(0x709). Out of memory. Error code: 1802(0x70a). Invalid parameter value(s). Error code: 1803(0x70b). Not found(files, ...). Error code: 1804(0x70c). Syntax error in command or file. Error code: 1805(0x70d). Objects do not match. Error code: 1806(0x70e). Object already exists. Error code: 1807(0x70f). Symbol not found. Error code: 1808(0x7010). Symbol version is invalid. Error code: 1809(0x711). Server is not i a valid state. Error code: 1810(0x712). ADS transmode is not supported. Error code: 1811(0x713). Notification handle is invalid. Error code: 1812(0x714). Notification vlient not registered. Error code: 1813(0x715). No more notification handles. Error code: 1814(0x716). Size for watch to big. Error code: 1815(0x717). Device is not initialized. Errocr code: 1818(0x718). Devicee has a timeout. Error code: 1817(0x719). Query interface has failed. Error code: 1818(0x71A). Wrong interface required. Error code: 1819(0x71B). Class ID is invalid. Error code: 1820(0x71C). Object ID is invalid. Error code: 1821(0x71D). Error class <client error> Error code: 1856(0x740). Parameter at service is invalid. Error code: 1857(0x741). Polling list is empty. Error code: 1858(0x742). Variable connection is already in use. Error code: 1859(0x743). Invoke ID already in use. Error code: 1860(0x744). Timeout has elapsed. Error code: 1861(x745). Error in win32 subsystem. Error code: 1862(0x746). Timeout value is invalid. Error code: 1863(0x747). Ads port is not opened. Error code: 1864(0x748). No AMS addr. Error code: 1865(0x749). An internal in ADS sync has occured. Error code: 1872(0x750). Hash table overflow. Error code: 1873(0x751). There are no more symbols in the hash table. Error code: 1874(0x752). There are no more symbols in cache. Error code: 1875(0x753). An invalid response has been received. Error code: 1876(0x754). Sync port is locked. Error code: 1877(0x755). Client queue is full Provides data for AdsNotificationEvent of the class TcAdsClient. Initializes a new instance of the AdsStream class AdsSyncNotificationEventArgs. Timespamp. An object, that is passed by AddDeviceNotification. Handle of the connection. Length of the data in dataStream. The offset of the data in dataStream . Stream that is used to store the data. Gets the timestamp. Gets the user object. This object is passed by to AddDeviceNotification and can be used to store data. Gets the handle of the connection. Streams that holds the notification data. Gets the Length of the data in the stream. Gets the Offset of the data in the stream. Provides data for AdsNotificationExEvent of the class TcAdsClient. Initializes a new instance of the AdsStream class AdsSyncNotificationEventArgs. Timestamp. An object, that is passed by AddDeviceNotificationEx. Handle of the connection. Value of the ADS variable. Gets the timestamp. Gets the user object. This object is passed by to AddDeviceNotification and can be used to store data. Value of the ads variable. Gets the handle of the connection. Provides data for AmsRouterNotificationEvent of the class TcAdsClient. Initializes a new instance of the AmsRouterNotificationEventArgs class. The current state of the Router. Current state of the Ams Router. Provides data for AdsNotificationErrorEvent of the class TcAdsClient. Initializes a new instance of the AdsNotificationErrorEventArgs class. Exception that was caught while handling notifications. Exception that was caught while handling notifications. Provides data for AdsStateChangedEvent of the class TcAdsClient. Initializes a new instance of the AdsStateChangedEventArgs class. Current state of the ADS device. Initializes a new instance of the AdsStateChangedEventArgs class. Current state of the ADS device. Provides data for AdsSymbolVersionChangedEvent of the class TcAdsClient. Initializes a new instance of the AdsSymbolVersionChangedEventArgs class. Current symbol version. Initializes a new instance of the AdsSymbolVersionChangedEventArgs class. Current symbol version device. Event handler for the AdsNotification event in the class TcAdsClient. Event handler for the AdsNotification event in the class TcAdsClient. Event handler for the AmsRouterNotification event in the class TcAdsClient. Event handler for the AdsNotificationError event in the class TcAdsClient. Event handler for the AdsStateChanged event in the class TcAdsClient. The class TcAdsClient is a wrapper for the TcAdsdll.dll and enables synchronous access to an Ads device. Initializes a new instance of the class TcAdsClient. Finalizer Releases the resources used by TcAdsClient. Disposes the . When overwritten don't forget to call the base class Establishes a connection to a ADS device. NetId of the ADS server. Port number of the ADS server. Establishes a connection to a ADS device. NetId of the ADS server. Port number of the ADS server. Establishes a connection to a ADS device using the local netID. Port number of the ADS server. Establishes a connection to a ADS device. NetId of the ADS server. Port number of the ADS server. Establishes a connection to a ADS device. NetId of the ADS server. Port number of the ADS server. Reads data synchronously from an ADS device and writes it to the given stream. Contains the index group number of the requested ADS service. Contains the index offset number of the requested ADS service. Stream that receives the data. Offset of the data in dataStream. Length of the data in dataStream. Number of succesfully returned data bytes. Thrown when the ADS call fails. Reads data synchronously from an ADS device and writes it to the given stream. Contains the index group number of the requested ADS service. Contains the index offset number of the requested ADS service. Stream that receives the data. Number of succesfully returned data bytes. Thrown when the ADS call fails. Reads data synchronously from an ADS device and writes it to the given stream. Contains the index group number of the requested ADS service. Contains the index offset number of the requested ADS service. Stream that receives the data. Offset of the data in dataStream. Length of the data in dataStream. Number of succesfully returned data bytes. Thrown when the ADS call fails. Reads data synchronously from an ADS device and writes it to the given stream. Contains the index group number of the requested ADS service. Contains the index offset number of the requested ADS service. Stream that receives the data. Number of succesfully returned data bytes. Thrown when the ADS call fails. Reads data synchronously from an ADS device and writes it to the given stream. Handle of the ADS variable Stream that receives the data. Offset of the data in dataStream. Length of the data in dataStream. Number of succesfully returned data bytes. Thrown when the ADS call fails. Reads data synchronously from an ADS device and writes it to the given stream. Handle of the ADS variable Stream that receives the data. Number of succesfully returned data bytes. Thrown when the ADS call fails. Writes data synchronously to an ADS device. Contains the index group number of the requested ADS service. Contains the index offset number of the requested ADS service. Stream that contains the data. Offset of the data in dataStream. Length of the data in dataStream. Thrown when the ADS call fails. Writes data synchronously to an ADS device. Contains the index group number of the requested ADS service. Contains the index offset number of the requested ADS service. Stream that receives the data. Thrown when the ADS call fails. Writes data synchronously to an ADS device. Contains the index group number of the requested ADS service. Contains the index offset number of the requested ADS service. Thrown when the ADS call fails. Writes data synchronously to an ADS device. Contains the index group number of the requested ADS service. Contains the index offset number of the requested ADS service. Stream that contains the data. Offset of the data in dataStream. Length of the data in dataStream. Thrown when the ADS call fails. Writes data synchronously to an ADS device. Contains the index group number of the requested ADS service. Contains the index offset number of the requested ADS service. Stream that receives the data. Thrown when the ADS call fails. Writes data synchronously to an ADS device. Contains the index group number of the requested ADS service. Contains the index offset number of the requested ADS service. Thrown when the ADS call fails. Writes data synchronously to an ADS device. Handle of the ADS variable Stream that contains the data. Offset of the data in dataStream. Length of the data in dataStream. Thrown when the ADS call fails. Writes data synchronously to an ADS device. Handle of the ADS variable Stream that receives the data. Thrown when the ADS call fails. Reads data synchronously from an ADS device and writes it to an object. If the Type of the object to be read is a string type, the first element of the parameter args specifies the number of characters of the string. If the Type of the object to be read is an array type, the number of elements for each dimension has to be specified in the parameter args. At the moment only 1 dimensional Arrays are supported. Handle of the ADS variable. Type of the object to be read. Additional arguments. The object the read data is written to. Reads data synchronously from an ADS device and writes it to an object. Handle of the ADS variable. Type of the object to be read. The object the read data is written to. Reads data synchronously from an ADS device and writes it to an object. If the Type of the object to be read is a string type, the first element of the parameter args specifies the number of characters of the string. If the Type of the object to be read is an array type, the number of elements for each dimension has to be specified in the parameter args. At the moment only 1 dimensional Arrays are supported. Index group of the ADS variable. Index offset of the ADS variable. Type of the object to be read. Additional arguments. The object the read data is written to. Reads data synchronously from an ADS device and writes it to an object. Index group of the ADS variable. Index offset of the ADS variable. Type of the object to be read. The object the read data is written to. Writes an object synchronously to an ADS device. Contains the index group number of the requested ADS service. Contains the index offset number of the requested ADS service. Object to write to the ADS device. Writes an object synchronously to an ADS device. Handle of the ADS variable. Object to write to the ADS device. Writes an object synchronously to an ADS device. If the Type of the object to be written is a string type, the first element of parameter args specifies the number of characters of the string. Contains the index group number of the requested ADS service. Contains the index offset number of the requested ADS service. Object to write to the ADS device. Additional arguments. Writes an object synchronously to an ADS device. If the Type of the object to be written is a string type, the first element of parameter args specifies the number of characters of the string. Handle of the ADS variable. Object to write to the ADS device. Additional arguments. Writes data synchronously to an ADS device and then Reads data from this device. Contains the index group number of the requested ADS service. Contains the index offset number of the requested ADS service. Stream that receives the data that has been read. Offset of the data in rdDataStream. Length of the data in rdDataStream. Stream that contains the data that should be written. Offset of the data in wrDataStream. Lenght of the data in wrDataStream. Number of succesfully returned data bytes. Thrown when the ADS call fails. Writes data synchronously to an ADS device and then Reads data from this device. Contains the index group number of the requested ADS service. Contains the index offset number of the requested ADS service. Stream that receives the data that has been read. Offset of the data in rdDataStream. Length of the data in rdDataStream. Stream that contains the data that should be written. Offset of the data in wrDataStream. Lenght of the data in wrDataStream. Number of succesfully returned data bytes. Thrown when the ADS call fails. Writes data synchronously to an ADS device and then Reads data from this device. Contains the index group number of the requested ADS service. Contains the index offset number of the requested ADS service. Stream that receives the data that has been read. Stream that contains the data that should be written. Number of succesfully returned data bytes. Thrown when the ADS call fails. Writes data synchronously to an ADS device and then Reads data from this device. Contains the index group number of the requested ADS service. Contains the index offset number of the requested ADS service. Stream that receives the data that has been read. Stream that contains the data that should be written. Number of succesfully returned data bytes. Thrown when the ADS call fails. Connects a variable to the ADS client. The ADS client will be notified by the AdsNotification event. Contains the index group number of the requested ADS service. Contains the index offset number of the requested ADS service. Specifies if the event should be fired cyclically or only if the variable has changed. The ADS server checks whether the variable has changed after this time interval. Unit is in ms. The AdsNotification event is fired at the latest when this time has elapsed. The unit is ms. This object can be used to store user specific data. Type of the object stored in the event argument. The handle of the notification. Thrown when the ADS call fails. Connects a variable to the ADS client. The ADS client will be notified by the AdsNotification event. If type is a string type, the first element of the parameter args specifies the number of characters of the string. If type is an array type, the number of elements for each dimension has to be specified in the parameter args. At the moment only 1 dimensional Arrays are supported. Contains the index group number of the requested ADS service. Contains the index offset number of the requested ADS service. Specifies if the event should be fired cyclically or only if the variable has changed. The ADS server checks whether the variable has changed after this time interval. Unit is in ms. The AdsNotification event is fired at the latest when this time has elapsed. The unit is ms. This object can be used to store user specific data. Type of the object s0000tored in the event argument. Additional arguments. The handle of the notification. Thrown when the ADS call fails. Connects a variable to the ADS client. The ADS client will be notified by the AdsNotification event. Name of the ADS variable. Specifies if the event should be fired cyclically or only if the variable has changed. The ADS server checks whether the variable has changed after this time interval. Unit is in ms. The AdsNotification event is fired at the latest when this time has elapsed. The unit is ms. This object can be used to store user specific data. Type of the object stored in the event argument. The handle of the notification. Thrown when the ADS call fails. Connects a variable to the ADS client. The ADS client will be notified by the AdsNotification event. Name of the ADS variable. Specifies if the event should be fired cyclically or only if the variable has changed. The ADS server checks whether the variable has changed after this time interval. Unit is in ms. The AdsNotification event is fired at the latest when this time has elapsed. The unit is ms. This object can be used to store user specific data. Type of the object stored in the event argument. Additional arguments. The handle of the notification. Thrown when the ADS call fails. Connects a variable to the ADS client. The ADS client will be notified by the AdsNotification event. Contains the index group number of the requested ADS service. Contains the index offset number of the requested ADS service. The stream that should receive the data. Offset of the data in dataStream. Length of the data in dataStream. Specifies if the event should be fired cyclically or only if the variable has changed. The ADS server checks whether the variable has changed after this time interval. Unit is in ms. The AdsNotification event is fired at the latest when this time has elapsed. The unit is ms. This object can be used to store user specific data. The handle of the notification. Thrown when the ADS call fails. Connects a variable to the ADS client. The ADS client will be notified by the AdsNotification event. Contains the index group number of the requested ADS service. Contains the index offset number of the requested ADS service. The stream that should receive the data. Specifies if the event should be fired cyclically or only if the variable has changed. The ADS server checks whether the variable has changed after this time interval. Unit is in ms. The AdsNotification event is fired at the latest when this time has elapsed. The unit is ms. This object can be used to store user specific data. The handle of the notification. Thrown when the ADS call fails. Connects a variable to the ADS client. The ADS client will be notified by the AdsNotification event. Contains the index group number of the requested ADS service. Contains the index offset number of the requested ADS service. The stream that should receive the data. Offset of the data in dataStream. Length of the data in dataStream. Specifies if the event should be fired cyclically or only if the variable has changed. The ADS server checks whether the variable has changed after this time interval. Unit is in ms. The AdsNotification event is fired at the latest when this time has elapsed. The unit is ms. This object can be used to store user specific data. The handle of the notification. Thrown when the ADS call fails. Connects a variable to the ADS client. The ADS client will be notified by the AdsNotification event. Contains the index group number of the requested ADS service. Contains the index offset number of the requested ADS service. The stream that should receive the data. Specifies if the event should be fired cyclically or only if the variable has changed. The ADS server checks whether the variable has changed after this time interval. Unit is in ms. The AdsNotification event is fired at the latest when this time has elapsed. The unit is ms. This object can be used to store user specific data. The handle of the notification. Thrown when the ADS call fails. Connects a variable to the ADS client. The ADS client will be notified by the AdsNotification event. Name of the ADS variable. The stream that should receive the data. Offset of the data in dataStream. Length of the data in dataStream. Specifies if the event should be fired cyclically or only if the variable has changed. The ADS server checks whether the variable has changed after this time interval. Unit is in ms. The AdsNotification event is fired at the latest when this time has elapsed. The unit is ms. This object can be used to store user specific data. The handle of the notification. Thrown when the ADS call fails. Connects a variable to the ADS client. The ADS client will be notified by the AdsNotification event. Name of the ADS variable. The stream that should receive the data. Specifies if the event should be fired cyclically or only if the variable has changed. The ADS server checks whether the variable has changed after this time interval. Unit is in ms. The AdsNotification event is fired at the latest when this time has elapsed. The unit is ms. This object can be used to store user specific data. The handle of the notification. Thrown when the ADS call fails. Deletes an existing notification. Handle of the notification. Thrown when the ADS call fails. Reads the identification and version number of an ADS server. DeviceInfo struct containing the name of the device and the version information. Thrown when the ADS call fails. Changes the ADS status and the device status of an ADS server. New ADS status and device status. Stream that contains the data that should be sent to the ADS device Offset of the data in the stream. Length of the data in the stream. Thrown when the ADS call fails. Changes the ADS status and the device status of an ADS server. New ADS status and device status. Thrown when the ADS call fails. Reads the ADS status and the device status from an ADS server. The ADS statue and device status. Thrown when the ADS call fails. Reads the ADS status and the device status from an ADS server. Unlike the ReadState method this method does not call an exception on failure. Instead an AdsErrorCode is returned. If the return value is equal to AdsErrorCode.NoError the call was successfull. The ADS statue and device status. AdsErrorCode of the ads read state call. Check for AdsErrorCode.NoError to see if call was successfull. Generates a unique handle for an ADS variable. Name of the ADS variable The handle of the ADS Variable. Thrown when the ADS call fails. Releases the handle of a ADS variable again. Handle of the ADS variable Thrown when the ADS call fails. Call this method to obtain information about the individual symbols (variables) in ADS devices. Name of the symbol. A ITcAdsSymbol containing the requested symbol inofrmation or null if symbol could not be found. Thrown when the ADS call fails. Creates a new instance of the TcAdsSymbolInfoLoader class. With the help of this object one can load the symbol information of the ADS device. Instance of the TcAdsSymbolInfoLoader class. Reads the value of a symbol and returns the value as object. The parameter type must have the same layout as the ADS symbol. Name of the ADS symbol. Managed type of the ADS symbol. If reload is true previously stored symbol information is cleared. As a consequence the symbol information must be obtained from the ADS server again. Value of the symbol Writes the passed object value to the specified ADS symbol.The parameter type must have the same layout as the ADS symbol. Name of the ADS symbol. Object holding the value to be written to the ADS symbol If reload is true previously stored symbol information is cleared. As a consequence the symbol information must be obtained from the ADS server again. Reads the value of a symbol and returns it as an object. Strings and all primitive datatypes(UInt32, Int32, Bool etc.) are supported. Arrays and structures cannot be read. The symbol that should be read. The value of the symbol as an object. Thrown when a ADS datatype is not supported. Thrown when the ADS call fails. Writes a value to the symbol. Strings and all primitive datatypes(UInt32, Int32, Bool etc.) are supported. Array and structures are not supported. If a string is passed as parameter, the method attempts to parse the string according to the ADS datatype of the symbol. The symbol the value is written to. The value to write. Thrown when a ADS datatype is not supported. Thrown when the ADS call fails. Determines, whether the is disposed Occurs when the Ads device sends a notification to the client. Occurs when the Ads devices sends a notification to the client. Occurs when a exception has occured during notification management. Occurs when the state of the local Router has changed. Occurs when the ADS state changes. Occurs when the symbol version changes. Sets the timeout for the ads communication. Unit is in ms. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the TcAdsClient object uses a client cylce for the notificatons. If ClientCycle is set to false, the ADS that has been addressed writes the data cyclically to the TcAdsClient object. The smallest possible time is the cycle time of the ADS device. For the PLC, this is the task cycle time. The cycle time can be handled in 1 ms steps. If you enter 0 ms as the cycle time, then the data is sent to the TcAdsClient object with every cycle of the ADS device task. If ClientCylce is set to true, the TcAdsClient object polls the variables cyclically. The timer that initiates the read / write runs in Windows NT/2000 user mode, which means that the time behaviour strongly depends on the loading of the system. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the TcAdsClient object synchronizes the incoming notifcations. If Synchronize is set to true, the notifications are synchronized onto the Main thread. This is necessary for Windows Forms projects. In Console Application this property should be set to false. Gets a value indicating whether the ADS client is connected to a ADS Server on the local computer. Gets the port number of the ADS server. Gets the AmsNetId of the ADS server. Gets the port number of the ADS client. Get the AmsNetId of the ADS client. Gets a value indicating whether the local Ads port was opened successfully. It does not indicate if the target port is available. Use the method ReadState to determine if the target port is available. Gets the current state of the local AMS router. Summary description for Trace. Base class for all exceptions thrown by this class. Initializes a new Instance of the AdsException class. Initializes a new Instance of the AdsException class. Initializes a new Instance of the AdsException class. The exception that is thrown when a ADS datatype is not supported. Initiailizes a new Instance of the AdsDatatypeNotSupportedException class. Initiailizes a new Instance of the AdsDatatypeNotSupportedException class. Initiailizes a new Instance of the AdsDatatypeNotSupportedException class. This AdsInvalidNotificationException is created if the length of the notification data is 0. This indicates that the notification handle is not valid any more. This exception is passed to the AdsNotificationErrorEvent. Initializes the class AdsInvalidNotificationException. Handle of the notification. Timestamp. The exception that is thrown when a Ads error occurs. Initializes a new Instance of the AdsErrorException class. Initializes a new Instance of the AdsErrorException class. Gets the error code of the Exception. Derives from BinaryReader and reads primitive as well as PLC data types as binary values. Initializes a new instance of the AdsBinaryReader class based on the supplied stream. A stream. Reads a PLC string from the current stream. The length of the string in the PLC. The string being read. Reads a PLC Date type from the current stream. The date being read. Reads a PLC Time type from the current stream. The time being read. Derives from BinaryWriter and writes primitive and PLC data types in binary to a stream. Initializes a new instance of the AdsBinaryWriter class based on the supplied stream. Writes a string as a PLC string to the current stream. The string to write to the stream. The length of the string in the PLC. Writes a date as PLC date type to the current stream. The date to write to the stream. Writes a time span as PLC time type to the current stream. The time span to write to the stream. The class AdsStream is a stream class used for Ads communication. Initializes a new instance of the AdsStream class. The instance has an expandable capacity initialized to zero. Initializes a new instance of the AdsStream class. Length of the stream in bytes. Initializes a new instance of the AdsStream class, based on the specified region of a byte array. The array of bytes from which to create this stream. The offset in buffer at which the stream begins. The length of the stream in bytes. Initializes a new instance of the AdsStream class, based on a byte array. The array of bytes from which to create this stream. Defines an Interface for reading the ADS symbol information. Gets the index group of the symbol. Index group of the symbol. Gets the index offset of the symbol. Index offset of the symbol. Gets the size of the symbol. Size of the symbol. Data type of the symbol. Data type of the symbol. Gets the name of the symbol. Name of the symbol. Gets the name of the symbol data type. Name of the symbol data type. Gets the comment behind the variable declaration. Comment behind the variable declaration. Gets the corresponding managed type of this symbol. This only works for primitive types. Managed type of symbol. Gets the index group of the symbol. Index group of the symbol. Gets the index offset of the symbol. Index offset of the symbol. Gets the size of the symbol. Size of the symbol. Data type of the symbol. Data type of the symbol. Gets the name of the symbol. Name of the symbol. Gets the name of the symbol data type. Name of the symbol data type. Gets the comment behind the variable declaration. Comment behind the variable declaration. ADS data types. Represents a collection of TcAdsSymbolInfo objects. Returns an enumerator that can iterate through ths symbols in this collection. An IEnumerator that can be used to iterate through all symbols in this collection. Copies the elements of the collection to an Array, starting at a particular Array index. The one-dimensional Array that is the destination of the elements copied from the collection. The Array must have zero-based indexing. The zero-based index in array at which copying begins. Gets the element at the specified index. Gets the number of elements contained in the collection. Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread-safe). Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. The class TcAdsSymbolInfo represents a symbol loaded by an instance of the TcAdsSymbolInfoLoader class. Gets the parent of this symbol. Parent of this symbol Gets the next sibling of this symbol. Next sibling of this symbol. Gets the next sub symbol of this symbol. Next sub symbol. Gets the sub symbols of this symbol as a collection of TcAdsSymbolInfo objects. Gets the number of sub symbols. Gets the index group of the symbol. Index group of the symbol. Gets the index offset of the symbol. Index offset of the symbol. Gets the size of the symbol. Size of the symbol. Data type of the symbol. Data type of the symbol. Gets the name of the symbol. Name of the symbol. Gets the name of the symbol (short form without prefixed names of the parents). Full name of the symbol. Gets the name of the symbol data type. Name of the symbol data type. Gets the comment behind the variable declaration. Comment behind the variable declaration. The class TcAdsSymbolInfoLoader is responsible for downloading the list of declared variables from an ADS Server. Loads the declared symbols from the ADS device and returns them as a collection of TcAdsSymbolInfo objects. True, if a (new) loading of the symbol information from the server is required. A collection of TcAdsSymbolInfo objects If no symbols have been loaded before, the symbols are loaded from the server, regardless of the parameter forceReload.

Note about the PLC: Please attend to the PLC Control that the 'Symbol-Download' under Project / Options / TwinCAT is activated. For further information please see the manual TwinCAT PLC Control.

Note about NC: The Symbol download has to be activated at each axis. This can de done in the configuration dialog of the axis under ‚General'. The field ‚Create Symbols' has to be marked. See manual of the TwinCAT System Manager.

Returns an enumerator that can iterate through all symbols. An IEnumerator that can be used to iterate through all symbols. Call this method to find a symbol in the list. Name of the symbol If no symbols have been loaded before, the symbols are loaded from the server, regardless of the parameter forceReload.

Note about the PLC: Please attend to the PLC Control that the 'Symbol-Download' under Project / Options / TwinCAT is activated. For further information please see the manual TwinCAT PLC Control.

Note about NC: The Symbol download has to be activated at each axis. This can de done in the configuration dialog of the axis under ‚General'. The field ‚Create Symbols' has to be marked. See manual of the TwinCAT System Manager.

Call this method to get the number of declared symbols. True, if a (new) loading of the symbol information from the server is required. Returns the number of symbols. If no symbols have been loaded before, the symbols are loaded from the server, regardless of the parameter forceReload. Note about the PLC: Please attend to the PLC Control that the 'Symbol-Download' under Project / Options / TwinCAT is activated. For further information please see the manual TwinCAT PLC Control. Note about NC: The Symbol download has to be activated at each axis. This can de done in the configuration dialog of the axis under ‚General'. The field ‚Create Symbols' has to be marked. See manual of the TwinCAT System Manager. Call this method to get the first symbol. True, if a (new) loading of the symbol information from the server is required. Returns the first symbol or null if no symbols are available. If no symbols have been loaded before, the symbols are loaded from the server, regardless of the parameter forceReload. Note about the PLC: Please attend to the PLC Control that the 'Symbol-Download' under Project / Options / TwinCAT is activated. For further information please see the manual TwinCAT PLC Control. Note about NC: The Symbol download has to be activated at each axis. This can de done in the configuration dialog of the axis under ‚General'. The field ‚Create Symbols' has to be marked. See manual of the TwinCAT System Manager. Summary description for NotificationMngt. TcAdsDll-Api Functions Ams/Ads Address