//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // File: TcAdsDef.h // Description: Prototypes and Definitions for ads communications // Author: RamonB // Created: Wed Nov 6 10:00:00 1996 // // // BECKHOFF-Industrieelektronik-GmbH // // Modifications: // KlausBue 11/99 // Added router callback definitions // // ChristophC 16/07/2001 // Changed the definition of nAmsRouterEvent type // // ChristophC 6/08/2001 // Fixed bug in PADSNEXTSYMBOLENTRY macro // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef __ADSDEF_H__ #define __ADSDEF_H__ #ifndef ANYSIZE_ARRAY #define ANYSIZE_ARRAY 1 #endif #define ADS_FIXEDNAMESIZE 16 #define AMSPORT_LOGGER 100 #define AMSPORT_R0_RTIME 200 #define AMSPORT_R0_TRACE (AMSPORT_R0_RTIME+90) #define AMSPORT_R0_IO 300 #define AMSPORT_R0_SPS 400 #define AMSPORT_R0_NC 500 #define AMSPORT_R0_ISG 550 #define AMSPORT_R0_PCS 600 #define AMSPORT_R0_PLC 801 #define AMSPORT_R0_PLC_RTS1 801 #define AMSPORT_R0_PLC_RTS2 811 #define AMSPORT_R0_PLC_RTS3 821 #define AMSPORT_R0_PLC_RTS4 831 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ADS reserved index groups #define ADSIGRP_SYMTAB 0xF000 #define ADSIGRP_SYMNAME 0xF001 #define ADSIGRP_SYMVAL 0xF002 #define ADSIGRP_SYM_HNDBYNAME 0xF003 #define ADSIGRP_SYM_VALBYNAME 0xF004 #define ADSIGRP_SYM_VALBYHND 0xF005 #define ADSIGRP_SYM_RELEASEHND 0xF006 #define ADSIGRP_SYM_INFOBYNAME 0xF007 #define ADSIGRP_SYM_VERSION 0xF008 #define ADSIGRP_SYM_INFOBYNAMEEX 0xF009 #define ADSIGRP_SYM_DOWNLOAD 0xF00A #define ADSIGRP_SYM_UPLOAD 0xF00B #define ADSIGRP_SYM_UPLOADINFO 0xF00C #define ADSIGRP_SYMNOTE 0xF010 // notification of named handle #define ADSIGRP_IOIMAGE_RWIB 0xF020 // read/write input byte(s) #define ADSIGRP_IOIMAGE_RWIX 0xF021 // read/write input bit #define ADSIGRP_IOIMAGE_RWOB 0xF030 // read/write output byte(s) #define ADSIGRP_IOIMAGE_RWOX 0xF031 // read/write output bit #define ADSIGRP_IOIMAGE_CLEARI 0xF040 // write inputs to null #define ADSIGRP_IOIMAGE_CLEARO 0xF050 // write outputs to null #define ADSIGRP_DEVICE_DATA 0xF100 // state, name, etc... #define ADSIOFFS_DEVDATA_ADSSTATE 0x0000 // ads state of device #define ADSIOFFS_DEVDATA_DEVSTATE 0x0002 // device state // ADS Error codes #define ERR_ADSERRS 0x0700 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ADS error codes #define ADSERR_NOERR 0x00 // #define ADSERR_DEVICE_ERROR (0x00+ERR_ADSERRS) // Error class < device error > #define ADSERR_DEVICE_SRVNOTSUPP (0x01+ERR_ADSERRS) // Service is not supported by server #define ADSERR_DEVICE_INVALIDGRP (0x02+ERR_ADSERRS) // invalid indexGroup #define ADSERR_DEVICE_INVALIDOFFSET (0x03+ERR_ADSERRS) // invalid indexOffset #define ADSERR_DEVICE_INVALIDACCESS (0x04+ERR_ADSERRS) // reading/writing not permitted #define ADSERR_DEVICE_INVALIDSIZE (0x05+ERR_ADSERRS) // parameter size not correct #define ADSERR_DEVICE_INVALIDDATA (0x06+ERR_ADSERRS) // invalid parameter value(s) #define ADSERR_DEVICE_NOTREADY (0x07+ERR_ADSERRS) // device is not in a ready state #define ADSERR_DEVICE_BUSY (0x08+ERR_ADSERRS) // device is busy #define ADSERR_DEVICE_INVALIDCONTEXT (0x09+ERR_ADSERRS) // invalid context (must be InWindows) #define ADSERR_DEVICE_NOMEMORY (0x0A+ERR_ADSERRS) // out of memory #define ADSERR_DEVICE_INVALIDPARM (0x0B+ERR_ADSERRS) // invalid parameter value(s) #define ADSERR_DEVICE_NOTFOUND (0x0C+ERR_ADSERRS) // not found (files, ...) #define ADSERR_DEVICE_SYNTAX (0x0D+ERR_ADSERRS) // syntax error in comand or file #define ADSERR_DEVICE_INCOMPATIBLE (0x0E+ERR_ADSERRS) // objects do not match #define ADSERR_DEVICE_EXISTS (0x0F+ERR_ADSERRS) // object already exists #define ADSERR_DEVICE_SYMBOLNOTFOUND (0x10+ERR_ADSERRS) // symbol not found #define ADSERR_DEVICE_SYMBOLVERSIONINVALID (0x11+ERR_ADSERRS) // symbol version invalid #define ADSERR_DEVICE_INVALIDSTATE (0x12+ERR_ADSERRS) // server is in invalid state #define ADSERR_DEVICE_TRANSMODENOTSUPP (0x13+ERR_ADSERRS) // AdsTransMode not supported #define ADSERR_DEVICE_NOTIFYHNDINVALID (0x14+ERR_ADSERRS) // Notification handle is invalid #define ADSERR_DEVICE_CLIENTUNKNOWN (0x15+ERR_ADSERRS) // Notification client not registered #define ADSERR_DEVICE_NOMOREHDLS (0x16+ERR_ADSERRS) // no more notification handles #define ADSERR_DEVICE_INVALIDWATCHSIZE (0x17+ERR_ADSERRS) // size for watch to big #define ADSERR_DEVICE_NOTINIT (0x18+ERR_ADSERRS) // device not initialized #define ADSERR_DEVICE_TIMEOUT (0x19+ERR_ADSERRS) // device has a timeout #define ADSERR_DEVICE_NOINTERFACE (0x1A+ERR_ADSERRS) // query interface failed #define ADSERR_DEVICE_INVALIDINTERFACE (0x1B+ERR_ADSERRS) // wrong interface required #define ADSERR_DEVICE_INVALIDCLSID (0x1C+ERR_ADSERRS) // class ID is invalid #define ADSERR_DEVICE_INVALIDOBJID (0x1D+ERR_ADSERRS) // object ID is invalid #define ADSERR_DEVICE_PENDING (0x1E+ERR_ADSERRS) // request is pending #define ADSERR_DEVICE_ABORTED (0x1F+ERR_ADSERRS) // request is aborted #define ADSERR_DEVICE_WARNING (0x20+ERR_ADSERRS) // signal warning #define ADSERR_DEVICE_INVALIDARRAYIDX (0x21+ERR_ADSERRS) // invalid array index // #define ADSERR_CLIENT_ERROR (0x40+ERR_ADSERRS) // Error class < client error > #define ADSERR_CLIENT_INVALIDPARM (0x41+ERR_ADSERRS) // invalid parameter at service call #define ADSERR_CLIENT_LISTEMPTY (0x42+ERR_ADSERRS) // polling list is empty #define ADSERR_CLIENT_VARUSED (0x43+ERR_ADSERRS) // var connection already in use #define ADSERR_CLIENT_DUPLINVOKEID (0x44+ERR_ADSERRS) // invoke id in use #define ADSERR_CLIENT_SYNCTIMEOUT (0x45+ERR_ADSERRS) // timeout elapsed #define ADSERR_CLIENT_W32ERROR (0x46+ERR_ADSERRS) // error in win32 subsystem #define ADSERR_CLIENT_TIMEOUTINVALID (0x47+ERR_ADSERRS) // ? #define ADSERR_CLIENT_PORTNOTOPEN (0x48+ERR_ADSERRS) // ads dll #define ADSERR_CLIENT_NOAMSADDR (0x49+ERR_ADSERRS) // ads dll #define ADSERR_CLIENT_SYNCINTERNAL (0x50+ERR_ADSERRS) // internal error in ads sync #define ADSERR_CLIENT_ADDHASH (0x51+ERR_ADSERRS) // hash table overflow #define ADSERR_CLIENT_REMOVEHASH (0x52+ERR_ADSERRS) // key not found in hash table #define ADSERR_CLIENT_NOMORESYM (0x53+ERR_ADSERRS) // no more symbols in cache #define ADSERR_CLIENT_SYNCRESINVALID (0x54+ERR_ADSERRS) // invalid response received #define ADSERR_CLIENT_SYNCPORTLOCKED (0x55+ERR_ADSERRS) // sync port is locked #pragma pack( push, 1) typedef struct AmsNetId_ { unsigned char b[6]; } AmsNetId, *PAmsNetId; typedef struct { AmsNetId netId; unsigned short port; } AmsAddr, *PAmsAddr; typedef struct { unsigned char version; unsigned char revision; unsigned short build; } AdsVersion; typedef AdsVersion* PAdsVersion; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// typedef enum nAdsTransMode { ADSTRANS_NOTRANS =0, ADSTRANS_CLIENTCYCLE =1, ADSTRANS_CLIENT1REQ =2, ADSTRANS_SERVERCYCLE =3, ADSTRANS_SERVERONCHA =4 }ADSTRANSMODE; typedef enum nAdsState { ADSSTATE_INVALID =0, ADSSTATE_IDLE =1, ADSSTATE_RESET =2, ADSSTATE_INIT =3, ADSSTATE_START =4, ADSSTATE_RUN =5, ADSSTATE_STOP =6, ADSSTATE_SAVECFG =7, ADSSTATE_LOADCFG =8, ADSSTATE_POWERFAILURE =9, ADSSTATE_POWERGOOD =10, ADSSTATE_ERROR =11, ADSSTATE_SHUTDOWN =12, ADSSTATE_SUSPEND =13, ADSSTATE_RESUME =14, ADSSTATE_CONFIG =15, // system is in config mode ADSSTATE_RECONFIG =16, // system should restart in config mode ADSSTATE_MAXSTATES } ADSSTATE; typedef struct { unsigned long cbLength; ADSTRANSMODE nTransMode; unsigned long nMaxDelay; union { unsigned long nCycleTime; unsigned long dwChangeFilter; }; } AdsNotificationAttrib, *PAdsNotificationAttrib; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// typedef struct { unsigned long hNotification; __int64 nTimeStamp; unsigned long cbSampleSize; unsigned char data[ANYSIZE_ARRAY]; } AdsNotificationHeader, *PAdsNotificationHeader; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define ADSNOTIFICATION_PDATA( pAdsNotificationHeader ) \ ( (unsigned char*) (((PAdsNotificationHeader)pAdsNotificationHeader->data ) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// typedef void (__stdcall *PAdsNotificationFuncEx)( AmsAddr* pAddr, AdsNotificationHeader* pNotification, unsigned long hUser // user handle ); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define ADSSYMBOLFLAG_PERSISTENT 0x00000001 #define ADSSYMBOLFLAG_BITVALUE 0x00000002 typedef struct { unsigned long entryLength; // length of complete symbol entry unsigned long iGroup; // indexGroup of symbol: input, output etc. unsigned long iOffs; // indexOffset of symbol unsigned long size; // size of symbol ( in bytes, 0 = bit ) unsigned long dataType; // adsDataType of symbol unsigned long flags; // see above unsigned short nameLength; // length of symbol name (excl. \0) unsigned short typeLength; // length of type name (excl. \0) unsigned short commentLength; // length of comment (excl. \0) // ADS_INT8 name[]; // name of symbol with terminating \0 // ADS_INT8 type[]; // type name of symbol with terminating \0 // ADS_INT8 comment[]; // comment of symbol with terminating \0 } AdsSymbolEntry, *PAdsSymbolEntry, **PPAdsSymbolEntry; #define PADSSYMBOLNAME(p) ((char*)(((PAdsSymbolEntry)p)+1)) #define PADSSYMBOLTYPE(p) (((char*)(((PAdsSymbolEntry)p)+1))+((PAdsSymbolEntry)p)->nameLength+1) #define PADSSYMBOLCOMMENT(p) (((char*)(((PAdsSymbolEntry)p)+1))+((PAdsSymbolEntry)p)->nameLength+1+((PAdsSymbolEntry)p)->typeLength+1) #define PADSNEXTSYMBOLENTRY(pEntry) (*((unsigned long*)(((char*)pEntry)+((PAdsSymbolEntry)pEntry)->entryLength)) \ ? ((PAdsSymbolEntry)(((char*)pEntry)+((PAdsSymbolEntry)pEntry)->entryLength)): NULL) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define ADSDATATYPEFLAG_DATATYPE 0x00000001 #define ADSDATATYPEFLAG_DATAITEM 0x00000002 #define ADSDATATYPE_VERSION_NEWEST 0x00000001 typedef struct { unsigned long lBound; // unsigned long elements; // } AdsDatatypeArrayInfo, *PAdsDatatypeArrayInfo; typedef struct { unsigned long entryLength; // length of complete datatype entry unsigned long version; // version of datatype structure unsigned long hashValue; // hashValue of datatype to compare datatypes unsigned long typeHashValue; // hashValue of base type unsigned long size; // size of datatype ( in bytes ) unsigned long offs; // offs of dataitem in parent datatype ( in bytes ) unsigned long dataType; // adsDataType of symbol (if alias) unsigned long flags; // unsigned short nameLength; // length of datatype name (excl. \0) unsigned short typeLength; // length of dataitem type name (excl. \0) unsigned short commentLength; // length of comment (excl. \0) unsigned short arrayDim; // unsigned short subItems; // // ADS_INT8 name[]; // name of datatype with terminating \0 // ADS_INT8 type[]; // type name of dataitem with terminating \0 // ADS_INT8 comment[]; // comment of datatype with terminating \0 // AdsDatatypeArrayInfo array[]; // // AdsDatatypeEntry subItems[]; // } AdsDatatypeEntry, *PAdsDatatypeEntry, **PPAdsDatatypeEntry; #define PADSDATATYPENAME(p) ((PCHAR)(((PAdsDatatypeEntry)p)+1)) #define PADSDATATYPETYPE(p) (((PCHAR)(((PAdsDatatypeEntry)p)+1))+((PAdsDatatypeEntry)p)->nameLength+1) #define PADSDATATYPECOMMENT(p) (((PCHAR)(((PAdsDatatypeEntry)p)+1))+((PAdsDatatypeEntry)p)->nameLength+1+((PAdsDatatypeEntry)p)->typeLength+1) #define PADSDATATYPEARRAYINFO(p) (PAdsDatatypeArrayInfo)(((PCHAR)(((PAdsDatatypeEntry)p)+1))+((PAdsDatatypeEntry)p)->nameLength+1+((PAdsDatatypeEntry)p)->typeLength+1+((PAdsDatatypeEntry)p)->commentLength+1) __inline PAdsDatatypeEntry AdsDatatypeStructItem(PAdsDatatypeEntry p, unsigned short iItem) { unsigned short i; PAdsDatatypeEntry pItem; if ( iItem >= p->subItems ) return NULL; pItem = (PAdsDatatypeEntry)(((unsigned char*)(p+1))+p->nameLength+p->typeLength+p->commentLength+3+p->arrayDim*sizeof(AdsDatatypeArrayInfo)); for ( i=0; i < iItem; i++ ) pItem = (PAdsDatatypeEntry)(((unsigned char*)pItem)+pItem->entryLength); return pItem; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// typedef struct { unsigned long nSymbols; unsigned long nSymSize; } AdsSymbolUploadInfo, *PAdsSymbolUploadInfo; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// typedef struct { unsigned long indexGroup; unsigned long indexOffset; unsigned long cbLength; } AdsSymbolInfoByName, *PAdsSymbolInfoByName; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// typedef enum nAmsRouterEvent //KlausBue 11/99 { AMSEVENT_ROUTERSTOP = 0, AMSEVENT_ROUTERSTART = 1, AMSEVENT_ROUTERREMOVED = 2 }AmsRouterEvent; typedef void (*PAmsRouterNotificationFunc)( long nEvent ); typedef void ( __stdcall *PAmsRouterNotificationFuncEx)( long nEvent ); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #pragma pack( pop ) #endif // __ADSDEF_H__