Option Explicit Dim wshshell,fso,i,Fnct Dim strPath,strSystemFolder,strWinFolder,strTempFolder '----------------------------- Objekte erzeugen -------------------------------- Set wshshell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set Fnct = CreateObject("Install.Functions") '--------------------------- Standardpfade ------------------------------------- strPath = GetCurrentPath() strSystemFolder = fso.GetSpecialFolder(1) & "\" strWinFolder = fso.GetSpecialFolder(0) & "\" strTempFolder = fso.GetSpecialFolder(2) & "\" '------------------------------ Main ------------------------------------------- Dim strDhcpPath strDhcpPath = ExpandPath("%ProgramFiles%","c:\program Files") strDhcpPath = strDhcpPath + "\DHCP\" Dim strSourceCell, strSourceMachine, strTarget strSourceCell = strDhcpPath + "dhcpsrv_Cell.ini" strSourceMachine = strDhcpPath + "dhcpsrv_Machine.ini" strTarget = strDhcpPath + "dhcpsrv.ini" Dim bSourceExistsCell, bSourceExistsMachine, bTargetExists bSourceExistsCell = fso.FileExists(strSourceCell) bSourceExistsMachine = fso.FileExists(strSourceMachine) bTargetExists = fso.FileExists(strTarget) If bSourceExistsCell AND Not bTargetExists Then Call fso.MoveFile(strSourceCell,strTarget) If bSourceExistsMachine AND NOT bTargetExists Then Call fso.MoveFile(strSourceMachine,strTarget) Call wshshell.Run("""" & strDhcpPath & "DhcpSrv.exe""") wscript.Sleep(5000) If wshshell.AppActivate("DHCP Server") Then wshshell.SendKeys("%{F4}") '------------------------------- Funktionen ------------------------------------ Function GetCurrentPath() Dim l_strScriptName Dim l_strTemp l_strScriptName = WScript.ScriptFullName l_strTemp = WScript.ScriptName GetCurrentPath = Left(l_strScriptName, Len(l_strScriptName) - Len(l_strTemp)) End Function Function ExpandPath(p_strEnvironment,p_strDefault) Dim l_strTemp l_strTemp = wshshell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(p_strEnvironment) If l_strTemp = p_strEnvironment Then l_strTemp = p_strDefault End If ExpandPath = l_strTemp End Function 'Hilfsfunktion zum Erzeugen von Objekten 'Ist die Erzeugung nicht möglich, wird das Skript beendet Function CreateObjectSafely(p_strObject) Dim i i = 0 On Error Resume Next Do err.Clear i = i+1 Set CreateObjectSafely = CreateObject(p_strObject) WScript.Sleep 1000 Loop Until Err.Number = 0 OR i > 30 If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "Unable to Create Object: " & p_strObject WScript.Quit End If On Error Goto 0 End Function '------------------------------ Sub -------------------------------------------