You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1293 lines
39 KiB

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Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
Private Sub Option1_Click()
VWSShape1.Shape = 0
End Sub
Private Sub Option2_Click()
VWSShape1.Shape = 1
End Sub
Private Sub Option3_Click()
VWSShape1.Shape = 2
End Sub
Private Sub Option4_Click()
VWSShape1.Shape = 3
End Sub
Private Sub Option5_Click()
VWSShape1.Shape = 4
End Sub
Private Sub Option6_Click()
VWSShape1.Shape = 5
End Sub
Private Sub Option7_Click()
VWSShape1.Shape = 6
End Sub
Private Sub Option8_Click()
VWSShape1.Shape = 7
End Sub
Private Sub Option9_Click()
VWSShape1.Shape = 8
End Sub
Private Sub Option10_Click()
VWSShape1.Shape = 9
End Sub
Private Sub Option11_Click()
VWSShape1.Shape = 10
End Sub
Private Sub Option12_Click()
VWSShape1.Shape = 11
End Sub
Private Sub Option13_Click()
VWSShape1.Shape = 12
End Sub
Private Sub VWSIndex1_Click()
Option1.Value = True
End Sub
Private Sub VWSIndex2_Click()
Option2.Value = True
End Sub
Private Sub VWSIndex3_Click()
Option3.Value = True
End Sub
Private Sub VWSIndex4_Click()
Option4.Value = True
End Sub
Private Sub VWSIndex5_Click()
Option5.Value = True
End Sub
Private Sub VWSIndex6_Click()
Option6.Value = True
End Sub
Private Sub VWSIndex7_Click()
Option7.Value = True
End Sub
Private Sub VWSIndex8_Click()
Option8.Value = True
End Sub
Private Sub VWSIndex9_Click()
Option9.Value = True
End Sub
Private Sub VWSIndex10_Click()
Option10.Value = True
End Sub
Private Sub VWSIndex11_Click()
Option11.Value = True
End Sub
Private Sub VWSIndex12_Click()
Option12.Value = True
End Sub
Private Sub VWSIndex13_Click()
Option13.Value = True
End Sub