You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1771 lines
56 KiB

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Private Sub Form_Load()
Set curFrm = Me
Dim iBlank As Integer
iBlank = (Me.Width - 6 * 1695) / 7
vwKey0.Top = 10260
vwKey0.Width = 1695
vwKey1.Top = 10260
vwKey1.Width = 1695
vwKey2.Top = 10260
vwKey2.Width = 1695
vwKey3.Top = 10260
vwKey3.Width = 1695
vwKey4.Top = 10260
vwKey4.Width = 1695
vwKey5.Top = 10260
vwKey5.Width = 1695
vwKey0.Left = iBlank
vwKey1.Left = vwKey0.Left + vwKey0.Width + iBlank
vwKey2.Left = vwKey1.Left + vwKey1.Width + iBlank
vwKey3.Left = vwKey2.Left + vwKey2.Width + iBlank
vwKey4.Left = vwKey3.Left + vwKey3.Width + iBlank
vwKey5.Left = vwKey4.Left + vwKey4.Width + iBlank
End Sub
Private Sub vwKey0_Click()
Play App.Path & "\data\sound\popup.wav", mm
Me.Lang.Language = 1031
End Sub
Private Sub vwKey1_Click()
Play App.Path & "\data\sound\popup.wav", mm
Me.Lang.Language = 1033
End Sub
Private Sub vwKey2_Click()
Play App.Path & "\data\sound\popup.wav", mm
End Sub
Private Sub vwKey3_Click()
Play App.Path & "\data\sound\popup.wav", mm
Sleep 750
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub vwKey4_Click()
Play App.Path & "\data\sound\popup.wav", mm
Sleep 750
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub vwKey5_Click()
Play App.Path & "\data\sound\popup.wav", mm
Sleep 750
Unload Me
End Sub