You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1405 lines
43 KiB

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Begin VW4IndexLib.VWIndex idxTime
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Begin VW4IndexLib.VWIndex idxFunction
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Begin VW4IndexLib.VWIndex idxDate
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Top = 3420
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Begin VW4IndexLib.VWIndex idxFunction
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_ExtentY = 661
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Begin VW4IndexLib.VWIndex idxTime
Height = 375
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TextOff = "12:13:14 PM"
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Begin VW4IndexLib.VWIndex idxFunction
Height = 375
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_ExtentY = 661
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TextOff = "Format(...)"
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Begin VW4IndexLib.VWIndex idxDate
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Begin VW4IndexLib.VWIndex idxTime
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_ExtentY = 661
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TextOff = "12:13:14"
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Begin VW4IndexLib.VWIndex idxFunction
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Begin VW4IndexLib.VWIndex idxYesterday
Height = 375
Left = 1740
Top = 2880
Width = 2835
_Version = 65536
_ExtentX = 5001
_ExtentY = 661
_StockProps = 96
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TextOff = "08.12.1999"
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ForeColorOff = 12582912
Begin VW4IndexLib.VWIndex idxFunction
Height = 375
Index = 7
Left = 4620
Top = 2880
Width = 1095
_Version = 65536
_ExtentX = 1931
_ExtentY = 661
_StockProps = 96
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TextOff = "DateAdd(...)"
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ForeColorOn = -2147483647
ForeColorOff = 4210752
ShadowStyle = 0
Alignment = 1
Begin VW4IndexLib.VWIndex idxMeaning
Height = 375
Index = 3
Left = 0
Top = 2880
Width = 1695
_Version = 65536
_ExtentX = 2990
_ExtentY = 661
_StockProps = 96
FontClass = "Arial10Bold"
TextOff = "idxYesterday"
IndexGroup = "FVB"
BackColorOff = 12632256
ShadowStyle = 0
Alignment = 4
Begin VW4IndexLib.VWIndex idxTomorrow
Height = 375
Left = 1740
Top = 3420
Width = 2835
_Version = 65536
_ExtentX = 5001
_ExtentY = 661
_StockProps = 96
FontClass = "Arial12Bold"
TextOff = "08.12.1999"
BackColorOff = 12632256
ForeColorOff = 12582912
Begin VW4IndexLib.VWIndex idxFunction
Height = 375
Index = 9
Left = 4620
Top = 3420
Width = 1095
_Version = 65536
_ExtentX = 1931
_ExtentY = 661
_StockProps = 96
FontClass = "Arial10"
TextOff = "DateAdd(...)"
BackColorOff = 12632256
ForeColorOn = -2147483647
ForeColorOff = 4210752
ShadowStyle = 0
Alignment = 1
Begin VW4IndexLib.VWIndex idxMeaning
Height = 375
Index = 4
Left = 0
Top = 3420
Width = 1695
_Version = 65536
_ExtentX = 2990
_ExtentY = 661
_StockProps = 96
FontClass = "Arial10Bold"
TextOff = "idxTomorrow"
IndexGroup = "FVB"
BackColorOff = 12632256
ShadowStyle = 0
Alignment = 4
Begin VW4DateTime.XFooter XFooter1
Height = 840
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TabIndex = 0
Top = 8160
Width = 12000
_ExtentX = 21167
_ExtentY = 1482
Attribute VB_Name = "FVBok"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
Private Sub tmrDateTime_Timer()
'ACHTUNG: Die folgenden Funktion arbeiten nicht mit der
' VisiWin-Sprachumschaltung zusammen!
'Alle mit 'S markierten Funktionen beziehen ihre Formatierung aus der
'Systemeinstellung unter:
idxDateTime(0).TextOff = Now 'S
idxDateTime(1).TextOff = Format$(Now, " hh:nn:ss")
idxDateTime(2).TextOff = Format$(Now, "General Date") 'S
idxDateTime(3).TextOff = Format$(Now, "mm\/dd\/yyyy hh:nn:ss")
idxDate(0).TextOff = Date 'R
idxDate(1).TextOff = Format$(Now, "Short Date") 'S
idxDate(2).TextOff = Format$(Now, "Medium Date") 'S
idxDate(3).TextOff = Format$(Now, "Long Date") 'S
idxYesterday.TextOff = Format$(DateAdd("d", -1, Date), "ddd\. dd\. mmm\. yyyy")
idxTomorrow.TextOff = Format$(DateAdd("d", 1, Date), "ddd\. dd\. mmm\. yyyy")
idxTime(0).TextOff = Time 'S
idxTime(1).TextOff = Format$(Now, "Short Time") 'S
idxTime(2).TextOff = Format$(Now, "Medium Time") 'S
idxTime(3).TextOff = Format$(Now, "Long Time") 'S
idxTime(4).TextOff = Format$(Now, "HH:NN:SS AM/PM")
idxDay.TextOff = Day(Now)
idxMonth.TextOff = Month(Now)
idxMonthName(0).TextOff = MonthName(Month(Now), True)
idxMonthName(1).TextOff = MonthName(Month(Now), False)
idxYear.TextOff = Year(Now)
idxHour.TextOff = Hour(Now)
idxMinute.TextOff = Minute(Now)
idxSecond.TextOff = Second(Now)
'Bitte beachten Sie die Zusatzparameter 'vbUseSystemDayOfWeek' und 'vbUseSystem' !
'Die Systemparameter sind zu empfehlen, da sie die l<>nderspezifischen Einstellungen
'darstellen; damit erhalten Sie auf allen Plattformen/L<>ndern immer die korrekten Ergebnisse.
'Die Vorbelegungen der Funktionen Weekday, WeekdayName, DatePart und Format sind
'unterschiedlich !?!? und entsprechen teilweise nicht den deutschen Definitionen!
idxWeekDay.TextOff = Weekday(Now, vbUseSystemDayOfWeek) 'S
idxWeekdayName(0).TextOff = WeekdayName(Weekday(Now, vbUseSystemDayOfWeek), True, vbUseSystemDayOfWeek) 'S
idxWeekdayName(1).TextOff = WeekdayName(Weekday(Now, vbUseSystemDayOfWeek), , vbUseSystemDayOfWeek) 'S
idxDayOfYear.TextOff = DatePart("y", Now, vbUseSystemDayOfWeek, vbUseSystem) 'S
idxWeekNumber.TextOff = DatePart("ww", Now, vbUseSystemDayOfWeek, vbUseSystem) 'S
idxQuarter.TextOff = DatePart("q", Now, vbUseSystemDayOfWeek, vbUseSystem) 'S
End Sub