You cannot select more than 25 topics
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450 lines
14 KiB
450 lines
14 KiB
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Option Explicit
Private Sub timNames_ChangeDay(ByVal DateNow As Date, ByVal PreviousDay As Date)
End Sub
Private Sub timNames_ChangeMonth(ByVal DateNow As Date, ByVal PreviousDay As Date)
End Sub
Private Sub timTest_ChangeMinute(ByVal TimeNow As Date)
lstTest.AddItem "Minute " & Format$(TimeNow, " hh:nn:ss")
End Sub
Private Sub timTest_ChangeHour(ByVal TimeNow As Date)
lstTest.AddItem "Hour " & Format$(TimeNow, " hh:nn:ss")
End Sub
Private Sub timTest_ChangeDay(ByVal DateNow As Date, ByVal PreviousDay As Date)
lstTest.AddItem "Day " & Format$(PreviousDay, " hh:nn:ss ") & Format$(DateNow, " hh:nn:ss")
End Sub
Private Sub timTest_ChangeMonth(ByVal DateNow As Date, ByVal PreviousDay As Date)
lstTest.AddItem "Month " & Format$(PreviousDay, " hh:nn:ss ") & Format$(DateNow, " hh:nn:ss")
End Sub
Private Sub timTest_ChangeYear(ByVal DateNow As Date, ByVal PreviousDay As Date)
lstTest.AddItem "Year " & Format$(PreviousDay, " hh:nn:ss ") & Format$(DateNow, " hh:nn:ss")
End Sub
Private Sub VWLanguage1_LanguageChange(ByVal Language As Long)
End Sub
Private Sub ShowMonth()
idxMonth.TextOff = VWLanguage1.GetSystemText(vwControlText, "VWTime.MonthName." & Month(Now))
idxMonthAbbr.TextOff = VWLanguage1.GetSystemText(vwControlText, "VWTime.MonthNameAbbr." & Month(Now))
End Sub
Private Sub ShowWeekday()
idxWeekDay.TextOff = VWLanguage1.GetSystemText(vwControlText, "VWTime.WeekdayName." & Weekday(Now, vbMonday))
idxWeekDayAbbr.TextOff = VWLanguage1.GetSystemText(vwControlText, "VWTime.WeekdayNameAbbr." & Weekday(Now, vbMonday))
End Sub