You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

559 lines
19 KiB

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Option Explicit
Private msSettingsFileName As String 'Pfad+Dateiname zum Speichern der Trendeinstellungen
Private Sub cmbScroll_Click(Index As Integer)
If Index = 0 Then
VWTrendTime1.MaxInterval = cmbScroll(0).ListIndex
VWTrendTime1.MinInterval = cmbScroll(1).ListIndex
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Activate()
' Vorbesetzen der Steuerelemente
cmbScroll(1).ListIndex = VWTrendTime1.MinInterval
cmbScroll(0).ListIndex = VWTrendTime1.MaxInterval
txtScroll(0).Text = VWTrendTime1.MaxChange
txtScroll(1).Text = VWTrendTime1.MinChange
txtMaxMinEingabe(0).Text = VWTrend1.MaxValue1
txtMaxMinEingabe(1).Text = VWTrend1.MinValue1
cmbZeitraum.ListIndex = 1 ' Minute
txtEingabe.Text = VWTrend1.SectionsMajorX
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
msSettingsFileName = App.Path & "\" & App.Title & ".ini"
'vorige Trendeinstellungen laden
VW4Trendhelper.ReadTrendSettings VWTrend1, msSettingsFileName
End Sub
Private Sub keyF4_Click()
VW4Trendhelper.TrendSelect VWTrend1, , msSettingsFileName
VWTrendLegend1.ApplyChanges 'Legende auffrischen
End Sub
Private Sub txtEingabe_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
Select Case KeyAscii
Case vbKey0 To vbKey9, vbKeyBack
' Tasten zulassen
Case vbKeyReturn
If IsNumeric(txtEingabe.Text) Then
End If
Case Else
' Alle anderen Tasten sperren
KeyAscii = 0
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub cmbZeitraum_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub XAchsenEinteilung()
Select Case cmbZeitraum.ListIndex
Case 0 ' Sekunde
VWTrend1.SecondsPerMajor = (txtEingabe.Text * 1) / VWTrend1.SectionsMajorX
Case 1 ' Minute
VWTrend1.SecondsPerMajor = (txtEingabe.Text * 60) / VWTrend1.SectionsMajorX
Case 2 ' Stunde
VWTrend1.SecondsPerMajor = (txtEingabe.Text * 60 * 60) / VWTrend1.SectionsMajorX
Case 3 ' Tag
VWTrend1.SecondsPerMajor = (txtEingabe.Text * 60 * 60 * 24) / VWTrend1.SectionsMajorX
Case 4 ' Monat
VWTrend1.SecondsPerMajor = (txtEingabe.Text * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30) / VWTrend1.SectionsMajorX
Case 5 ' Jahr
VWTrend1.SecondsPerMajor = (txtEingabe.Text * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365) / VWTrend1.SectionsMajorX
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub txtMaxMinEingabe_GotFocus(Index As Integer)
'Inhalt des Textsteuerelementes markieren
txtMaxMinEingabe(Index).SelStart = 0
txtMaxMinEingabe(Index).SelLength = Len(txtMaxMinEingabe(Index))
End Sub
Private Sub txtMaxMinEingabe_KeyPress(Index As Integer, KeyAscii As Integer)
Select Case KeyAscii
Case vbKey0 To vbKey9, vbKeySubtract, 45, vbKeyBack
' Tasten zulassen
Case vbKeyReturn
If IsNumeric(txtMaxMinEingabe(Index).Text) Then
Select Case Index
Case 0
VWTrend1.MaxValue1 = txtMaxMinEingabe(Index).Text
VWTrend1.MaxValue2 = txtMaxMinEingabe(Index).Text
VWTrend1.MaxValue3 = txtMaxMinEingabe(Index).Text
VWTrend1.MaxValue4 = txtMaxMinEingabe(Index).Text
VWTrend1.MaxValue5 = txtMaxMinEingabe(Index).Text
VWTrend1.MaxValue6 = txtMaxMinEingabe(Index).Text
VWTrend1.MaxValue7 = txtMaxMinEingabe(Index).Text
VWTrend1.MaxValue8 = txtMaxMinEingabe(Index).Text
Case 1
VWTrend1.MinValue1 = txtMaxMinEingabe(Index).Text
VWTrend1.MinValue2 = txtMaxMinEingabe(Index).Text
VWTrend1.MinValue3 = txtMaxMinEingabe(Index).Text
VWTrend1.MinValue4 = txtMaxMinEingabe(Index).Text
VWTrend1.MinValue5 = txtMaxMinEingabe(Index).Text
VWTrend1.MinValue6 = txtMaxMinEingabe(Index).Text
VWTrend1.MinValue7 = txtMaxMinEingabe(Index).Text
VWTrend1.MinValue8 = txtMaxMinEingabe(Index).Text
End Select
End If
Case Else
KeyAscii = 0
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub txtScroll_KeyPress(Index As Integer, KeyAscii As Integer)
Select Case KeyAscii
Case vbKey0 To vbKey9, vbKeyBack
' Tasten zulassen
Case vbKeyReturn
If IsNumeric(txtScroll(Index).Text) Then
If Index = 0 Then
VWTrendTime1.MaxChange = txtScroll(Index).Text
VWTrendTime1.MinChange = txtScroll(Index).Text
End If
End If
Case Else
KeyAscii = 0
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub VWLanguage1_LanguageChange(ByVal Language As Long)
Dim intIndex As Integer
'Texte in nicht VisWin Steuerelemente laden
Frame1.Caption = VWLanguage1.GetText("FTrendZoom.Trendeinstellungen0")
Frame2.Caption = VWLanguage1.GetText("FTrendZoom.Trendeinstellungen6")
For intIndex = 0 To 5
cmbZeitraum.AddItem VWLanguage1.GetText("FTrendZoom.Zeiteinteilung" & intIndex)
cmbScroll(0).AddItem VWLanguage1.GetText("FTrendZoom.Zeiteinteilung" & intIndex)
cmbScroll(1).AddItem VWLanguage1.GetText("FTrendZoom.Zeiteinteilung" & intIndex)
End Sub
Private Sub VWSDateTimeInput1_AfterWriteValue(ByVal PreviousValue As Date, ByVal NewValue As Date)
VWTrend1.Online = False
VWTrend1.ScrollTime = NewValue
End Sub