You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1972 lines
74 KiB

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Begin VWSDateTime.VWSDateTimeInput dtiTo
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Begin VWSTouchLib.VWSCheckBox chkStates
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Begin VWSTouchLib.VWSCheckBox chkStates
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Begin VWSTouchLib.VWSCheckBox chkStates
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Begin VisiWinStudioLib.VWSKey keyDisplay
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Begin VWSLanguageLib.VWSIndex idxCount
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Begin VWSLanguageLib.VWSIndex idxStatus
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Begin VWSLanguageLib.VWSIndex idxLabel
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Begin VWSLanguageLib.VWSIndex idxLabel
Height = 255
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Begin MSComctlLib.ListView lvwHistoricalAlarms
Height = 4875
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TabIndex = 35
Top = 4020
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Strikethrough = 0 'False
NumItems = 8
BeginProperty ColumnHeader(1) {BDD1F052-858B-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}
Object.Tag = "TimeIn"
Text = "Gekommen"
Object.Width = 3598
BeginProperty ColumnHeader(2) {BDD1F052-858B-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}
SubItemIndex = 1
Object.Tag = "TimePLCAck"
Text = "Gegangen"
Object.Width = 3598
BeginProperty ColumnHeader(3) {BDD1F052-858B-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}
SubItemIndex = 2
Object.Tag = "Group"
Text = "Gruppe"
Object.Width = 3528
BeginProperty ColumnHeader(4) {BDD1F052-858B-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}
SubItemIndex = 3
Object.Tag = "State"
Text = "Status"
Object.Width = 1764
BeginProperty ColumnHeader(5) {BDD1F052-858B-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}
SubItemIndex = 4
Object.Tag = "Priority"
Text = "Priorit<69>t"
Object.Width = 1411
BeginProperty ColumnHeader(6) {BDD1F052-858B-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}
SubItemIndex = 5
Object.Tag = "Class"
Text = "Klasse"
Object.Width = 1764
BeginProperty ColumnHeader(7) {BDD1F052-858B-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}
SubItemIndex = 6
Object.Tag = "Text"
Text = "Text"
Object.Width = 7056
BeginProperty ColumnHeader(8) {BDD1F052-858B-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}
SubItemIndex = 7
Object.Tag = "Notes"
Text = "Notizen"
Object.Width = 1411
Begin VWSLanguageLib.VWSLangSelect VWSLangSelect1
Left = 0
Top = 840
_cx = 794
_cy = 794
Begin VWSLanguageLib.VWSIndex idxWhatToDo
Height = 495
Left = 0
Top = 1080
Width = 15360
_cx = 27093
_cy = 873
BackStyle = 1
Enabled = -1 'True
Alignment = 7
ShadowColor1 = -2147483632
ShadowColor2 = -2147483634
ShadowDepth = 2
ShadowStyle = 0
BeginProperty Font {0BE35203-8F91-11CE-9DE3-00AA004BB851}
Name = "MS Sans Serif"
Size = 8.25
Charset = 0
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Underline = 0 'False
Italic = 0 'False
Strikethrough = 0 'False
BackColorOff = -2147483633
BackColorOn = -2147483643
ForeColorOff = -2147483630
ForeColorOn = -2147483640
TextRotation = 0
AuthorizationMode= 1
Authorization = ""
VWItem = ""
Blink = 0
IndexGroup = "FAlarmHistory"
IndexPrefix = ""
BitNumber = 0
Mode = -1
Offset = 0
Range = 1
FontClass = ""
OffsetText = 0
TextOn = ""
TextOff = "idxWhatToDo"
Attribute VB_Name = "FAlarmHistory"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
'Anmerkung: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
' Dieses Formular kann als Vorlage in ein Projekt eingef<65>gt werden:
' Kontextmen<65> des Knotens "Formulare" aufrufen, Men<65> "Hinzuf<75>gen Formular" w<>hlen,
' Kartei "VisiWinStudio-Vorlagen", Verzeichnis "Formulare\Meldesystem",
' Datei "FVWAlarmHistory" ausw<73>hlen.
'Objekt f<>r den Zugriff auf historische Alarme
Private WithEvents mVWSHistoricalAlarms As VWCOMMONLib.VWSHistoricalAlarms
Attribute mVWSHistoricalAlarms.VB_VarHelpID = -1
'Objekt f<>r die sprachumgeschaltete Darstellung von Zeit/Datum
Private mVWSTimeFormat As VWCOMMONLib.VWSTimeFormat
Private mVWSHistoricalAlarmNotes As VWCOMMONLib.VWSHistoricalAlarmNotes
Private Sub Form_Load()
'Instanz erzeugen
Set mVWSHistoricalAlarms = New VWCOMMONLib.VWSHistoricalAlarms
Set mVWSHistoricalAlarmNotes = New VWCOMMONLib.VWSHistoricalAlarmNotes
Set mVWSTimeFormat = New VWCOMMONLib.VWSTimeFormat
'gew<65>nschtes Format einstellen
mVWSTimeFormat.FormatDate = "@LongDate"
mVWSTimeFormat.FormatTime = "@LongTime"
optTimeFilter(0).State = 1 'Zeitfilter "Alles" wird angew<65>hlt
chkGroups(0).State = 1 'Alle Gruppen anw<6E>hlen
chkGroups(1).State = 1
chkClasses(0).State = 1 'Alle Klassen anw<6E>hlen
chkClasses(1).State = 1
optPriority(0).State = 1 'Priorit<69>tsfilter "Alles" wird angew<65>hlt
chkStates(1).State = 1 'Alle Status anw<6E>hlen
chkStates(2).State = 1
chkStates(3).State = 1
chkStates(4).State = 1
chkStates(5).State = 1
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
'Instanz l<>schen
Set mVWSHistoricalAlarms = Nothing
Set mVWSHistoricalAlarmNotes = Nothing
Set mVWSTimeFormat = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub VWSLangSelect1_LanguageChange(ByVal Language As Long)
Dim chk As VWSCheckBox
Dim VWSAlarmGroup As New VWCOMMONLib.VWSAlarmGroup
Dim chd As MSComctlLib.ColumnHeader
'sprachabh<62>ngige Namen der Gruppen anzeigen
For Each chk In chkGroups
VWSAlarmGroup.GroupName = chk.Tag
chk.Caption = VWSAlarmGroup.DisplayName
Next chk
'sprachabh<62>ngige Spalten<65>berschriften ermitteln
For Each chd In lvwHistoricalAlarms.ColumnHeaders
chd.Text = VWSLangSelect1.GetText("FAlarmHistory.Columns." & chd.Tag)
Next chd
Set lvwHistoricalAlarms.Font = VWSLangSelect1.GetFont("Tahoma8")
'sprachabh<62>ngige Spalten<65>berschriften ermitteln
For Each chd In lvwNotes.ColumnHeaders
chd.Text = VWSLangSelect1.GetText("FAlarmHistory.Notes." & chd.Tag)
Next chd
Set lvwNotes.Font = VWSLangSelect1.GetFont("Tahoma8")
End Sub
Private Sub keyDisplay_Click()
Dim VWSAlarmItem As VWCOMMONLib.VWSAlarmItem
Dim VWSAlarmFilter As VWCOMMONLib.VWSAlarmFilter
Dim chk As VWSCheckBox
keyDisplay.Enabled = False
keyAddNote.Enabled = False
idxStatus.State = 1 'Status "Ermittle ..." anzeigen
'Filter f<>r die Abfrage erzeugen
Set VWSAlarmFilter = New VWCOMMONLib.VWSAlarmFilter
VWSAlarmFilter.Historical = True
'Filter abfragen
'Filter f<>r Datumseinstellungen
Select Case True
Case optTimeFilter(0).State 'Alles
Case optTimeFilter(1).State 'heute
VWSAlarmFilter.MinTime = Date
VWSAlarmFilter.MaxTime = DateAdd("s", -1, DateAdd("d", 1, Date))
Case optTimeFilter(2).State 'gestern
VWSAlarmFilter.MinTime = DateAdd("d", -1, Date)
VWSAlarmFilter.MaxTime = DateAdd("s", -1, Date)
Case optTimeFilter(3).State 'diese Woche
VWSAlarmFilter.MinTime = DateAdd("d", -Weekday(Now, vbUseSystemDayOfWeek) + 1, Date)
VWSAlarmFilter.MaxTime = DateAdd("s", -1, DateAdd("d", 1, Date))
Case optTimeFilter(4).State 'letzte Woche
VWSAlarmFilter.MinTime = DateAdd("d", -Weekday(Now, vbUseSystemDayOfWeek) + 1 - 7, Date)
VWSAlarmFilter.MaxTime = DateAdd("s", -1, DateAdd("d", -Weekday(Now, vbUseSystemDayOfWeek) + 1, Date))
Case optTimeFilter(5).State 'von bis
VWSAlarmFilter.MinTime = dtiFrom.Value
VWSAlarmFilter.MaxTime = dtiTo.Value
End Select
'Voraussetzung: in der Tag-Eigenschaft der CheckBoxen muss der
'Gruppenname stehen (Parameter "Name" der Gruppendefinition)
VWSAlarmFilter.GroupFilter = ""
For Each chk In chkGroups
If chk.State Then
VWSAlarmFilter.GroupFilter = VWSAlarmFilter.GroupFilter & chk.Tag & ";"
End If
Next chk
'Voraussetzung: in der Tag-Eigenschaft der CheckBoxen muss der
'Klassenname stehen (Parameter "Name" der Klassendefinition)
VWSAlarmFilter.ClassFilter = ""
For Each chk In chkClasses
If chk.State Then
VWSAlarmFilter.ClassFilter = VWSAlarmFilter.ClassFilter & chk.Tag & ";"
End If
Next chk
Select Case True
Case optPriority(0).State 'Alles
VWSAlarmFilter.MinPriority = -1
VWSAlarmFilter.MaxPriority = -1
Case optPriority(1).State 'von ... bis ...
VWSAlarmFilter.MinPriority = vinMinPriority.Value
VWSAlarmFilter.MaxPriority = vinMaxPriority.Value
End Select
VWSAlarmFilter.States = 0 'keine Auswahl == Alle Zust<73>nde
If chkStates(1).State Then
VWSAlarmFilter.States = VWSAlarmFilter.States + 1 'Bit 0 == gekommen
End If
If chkStates(2).State Then
VWSAlarmFilter.States = VWSAlarmFilter.States + 4 'Bit 2 == gegangen
End If
If chkStates(3).State Then
VWSAlarmFilter.States = VWSAlarmFilter.States + 2 'Bit 1 == gekommen quittiert
End If
If chkStates(4).State Then
VWSAlarmFilter.States = VWSAlarmFilter.States + 8 'Bit 3 == quittiert gegangen
End If
If chkStates(5).State Then
VWSAlarmFilter.States = VWSAlarmFilter.States + 16 'Bit 4 == gel<65>scht
End If
'Asynchrone Abfrage mit der Filtereinstellung starten
'(Es wird nicht auf das Ergebnis gewartet)
mVWSHistoricalAlarms.GetHistoricalAlarms VWSAlarmFilter, True
'Ist das Ergebnis verf<72>gbar, wird das
'mVWSHistoricalAlarms_AsyncAlarmRequestFinished-Ereignis ausgel<65>st.
'(siehe unten)
End Sub
Private Sub mVWSHistoricalAlarms_AsyncAlarmRequestFinished(ByVal Success As Boolean)
'Die Anfrage nach historischen Alarmen wurde abgeschlossen.
'Das Ergebnis kann jetzt angezeigt werden.
Dim VWSAlarmItem As VWCOMMONLib.VWSAlarmItem
Dim vHistoricalID As Variant, vHasNotes As Variant, vFileName As Variant, vNotes As Variant
Dim l As Long
Dim itm As MSComctlLib.ListItem
lvwHistoricalAlarms.ListItems.Clear 'Liste l<>schen
If Success Then
idxCount.TextOff = mVWSHistoricalAlarms.AlarmsInEnum 'Anzahl
idxStatus.State = 2 'Status "OK" anzeigen
'Daten in die Liste eintragen
For l = 1 To mVWSHistoricalAlarms.AlarmsInEnum
'eine historische Meldung mit Parametern holen
'vFileName, vHistoricalID, vHasNotes sind R<>ckgabeparameter
Set VWSAlarmItem = mVWSHistoricalAlarms.GetNext(vFileName, vHistoricalID, vHasNotes)
'und Datensatz in die Liste eintragen
Set itm = lvwHistoricalAlarms.ListItems.Add(, , mVWSTimeFormat.GetDateTimeString(VWSAlarmItem.ActivationTime))
If VWSAlarmItem.DeactivationTime Then
itm.SubItems(1) = mVWSTimeFormat.GetDateTimeString(VWSAlarmItem.DeactivationTime)
End If
itm.SubItems(2) = VWSAlarmItem.GroupName
itm.SubItems(3) = VWSAlarmItem.AlarmStatus & " " & VWSAlarmItem.StatusText
itm.SubItems(4) = VWSAlarmItem.Priority
itm.SubItems(5) = VWSAlarmItem.ClassID
itm.SubItems(6) = VWSAlarmItem.AlarmText
If vHasNotes Then
itm.SubItems(7) = mVWSHistoricalAlarmNotes.GetAlarmNotes(vFileName, vHistoricalID, vNotes)
End If
'zu jedem Eintrag wird vFileName und vHistoricalID gespeichert
'(notwendig f<>r die Ermittlung der Notizen)
itm.Tag = vFileName & vbNullChar & vHistoricalID
Next l
idxCount.TextOff = "0"
idxStatus.State = 3 'Status "Keine Eintr<74>ge" anzeigen
End If
mVWSHistoricalAlarms.ResetEnum 'internen Speicher freigeben
keyDisplay.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub lvwHistoricalAlarms_ItemClick(ByVal Item As MSComctlLib.ListItem)
'Eine Zeile der historischen Meldungen wurde angeklickt.
Dim astr() As String, l As Long
Dim vNotes, vTimeStamps, vUsers, vNoteIDs
Dim itm As MSComctlLib.ListItem
lvwNotes.ListItems.Clear 'Liste der Notizen l<>schen
keyAddNote.Enabled = True
keyDeleteNote.Enabled = False
'Die gespeicherten Parameter vFileName und vHistoricalID aus dem Eintrag ermitteln
astr = Split(Item.Tag, vbNullChar)
'und damit die zugeh<65>rigen Notizen mit Parametern erfragen
l = mVWSHistoricalAlarmNotes.GetAlarmNotes(astr(0), astr(1), vNotes, vTimeStamps, vUsers, vNoteIDs)
If l Then
'Wenn Notizen vorhanden sind, diese in die Liste eintragen
For l = 0 To UBound(vNotes)
Set itm = lvwNotes.ListItems.Add(, , vTimeStamps(l))
itm.SubItems(1) = vUsers(l)
itm.SubItems(2) = vNotes(l)
'zu jedem Eintrag wird astr(0)=vFileName und vNoteID gespeichert
'(notwendig f<>r die Bearbeitung der Notizen)
itm.Tag = astr(0) & vbNullChar & vNoteIDs(l)
Next l
End If
End Sub
Private Sub lvwNotes_ItemClick(ByVal Item As MSComctlLib.ListItem)
keyDeleteNote.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub keyAddNote_Click()
Dim astr() As String
If Not lvwHistoricalAlarms.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then
astr = Split(lvwHistoricalAlarms.SelectedItem.Tag, vbNullChar)
mVWSHistoricalAlarmNotes.AddAlarmNote astr(0), astr(1), Now, txtNote.Text
lvwHistoricalAlarms_ItemClick lvwHistoricalAlarms.SelectedItem 'Alle Notizen nochmal anzeigen
End If
End Sub
Private Sub keyDeleteNote_Click()
Dim astr() As String
If Not lvwNotes.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then
astr = Split(lvwNotes.SelectedItem.Tag, vbNullChar)
mVWSHistoricalAlarmNotes.RemoveAlarmNote astr(0), astr(1)
lvwNotes.ListItems.Remove lvwNotes.SelectedItem.Index
keyDeleteNote.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub vinMaxPriority_AfterWriteValue(PreviousValue As Variant, NewValue As Variant)
optPriority(1).State = True
End Sub
Private Sub vinMinPriority_AfterWriteValue(PreviousValue As Variant, NewValue As Variant)
optPriority(1).State = True
End Sub